Diving into Florida registrations and renewals can be overwhelming for many folks. We know it can seem impossible to stay current with specific DMV rules and updates, especially if you’ve got lots of other important things (like life) going on around you. And then throw into this mix the scramble to find solid information online when what you’re seeking is nuanced and complex…well, it ain’t no Sunday drive, eh?
Use eTags© to Quickly Complete Your DMV Service. Renewals, Title Transfers and More, All Online!
We’ve been there. We get it.
So here we’ve compiled 5 essential questions and answers about FL tags and renewals that could just save the day.
Please note that this article is a follow-up to our “8 Common Questions About DMV Tag Renewal in Florida” blog post, which provides in-depth focus on tag renewals in the Sunshine State.
Ready for the FAQ’s? Here goes:
1. Can I transfer my own tags to a new vehicle in Florida?
Absolutely. If you’ve bought a new or used vehicle, and you already have a Florida license plate in your name that is current, valid, and up-do-date on its registration fees, you can 100% transfer this license plate (tag) to your new car.

For drivers who want to keep their license plate after getting a new vehicle, the procedure is pretty simple, and can be initiated when first registering the new car/truck/SUV.
The conditions for transferring an existing tag to a new vehicle demand that the car (or truck/SUV) is:
- In the name of the person registering the vehicle.
- In the name of (at least) one owner listed on the current registration.
- In the name of the current owner’s surviving spouse.
It’s important to know that according to Florida law, you cannot transfer your tags to another person. Meaning, if you’re feeling generous and want to gift your license plate to your best friend after he gets a new ride…sorry, kid, no dice. He’s got to get a plate in his own name. A tag remains in only one person’s name for the ten-year duration of its life.
2. Can I get a temporary tag in Florida?
Yes. There are several instances when a temporary tag is issued. Some of these include:
- Dealerships: a temporary tag allows customers who do not already have a tag of their own to transfer to drive off the lot, and allows them 30 days in which to title and register the vehicle.
- Non-dealers: in cases where the vehicle needs to be weighed or have its VIN verified before obtaining permanent registration
- Out-of-state residents: for someone who purchases a vehicle in Florida, but must register it in their home state, a temporary tag is issued in order to allow them to drive home.
For full license plate ins and out, check out the FLHSMV site here.
3. I lost my license plate in Florida. What do I do now?
Fret not! If your license plate or decal was lost, stolen, or damaged, you can easily order a replacement – either in person or online.

For in-person replacements, you must visit your local FLHSMV and provide the following items:
- A completed Application for Replacement License Plate, Validation Decal, or Parking Permit (Form HSMV 83146).
- Your current vehicle registration.
- Payment for your replacement fees (either lost, stolen, or damaged).
- If applicable, the damaged license plate or decal.
- If applicable, a copy of the traffic ticket issued for driving with a damaged or defaced license plate.
If you’d rather not make an appointment or wait in line, head over to our nifty site where we are happy to help you get your replacement plate or decal quickly and easily. Our step-by-step guided process is simple, clear, and oh-so convenient. In other words, if you’ve got a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop, you can order replacements whenever, from wherever!
4. Can I drive with expired tags in Florida?
Nope. Driving with an expired registration in Florida is 100% illegal, and you could face some steep penalties if you get pulled over. It’s a good idea to keep tabs on your registration renewal period and follow the time frame set by the DMV. This can help you stay within the law while also avoiding additional late fees on top of renewal costs.
If you are a Florida resident, you can renew your registration with us online in a jiffy! Simply choose Florida as your state from our drop-down menu, choose to “Renew,” follow the prompts, and voila: no more scheduling trips to your local DMV agency.
And if you happened to miss your renewal deadline, and now you find yourself stuck on the couch, unable to drive around town with expired tags…well, our online service is made just for this. Because you can renew your expired tags from the comfort of just about anywhere. Win-win, eh?

5. Do I need my old registration to renew my tags in Florida?
Nope. When you receive your renewal notice from the DMV, they will provide all the information necessary, including your current vehicle registration, renewal fees, and due date. However, if your county is not required to send notice of renewal, it is possible to use your current registration to renew either in person or online.
It’s helpful to know that if for some reason you cannot find your registration certificate or your renewal notice, you can still use your license plate number to renew your registration online when using our handy site.
Remember: it is the responsibility of each individual driver/vehicle owner to renew their registration on time to avoid expensive fines and other unnecessary hassles. Whether or not a renewal notice is issued, the vehicle owner is always required to renew on time.
SEE ALSO: Driving in Florida: Common Vehicle Registration Questions
How come the tag cost is not pro-rated if they automatically expire on your birthday? I have only had my current tags since August Of 2022. Which is 16 months. I paid for 24 months but only used 16. Now I have to renew, when I should have 8 months left.
This is because the DMV assumes that, during the time the tags were expired, the vehicle was still being operated and such registration fees are owed. Even so, most DMVs do not offer periods shorter than 12 months, regardless of how long the registration is actually used. There are some exceptions like 6 month registration sometimes issued for leased vehicles or vehicles offered for rent.
I sold my car about 1 wk ago and will not be getting another car for a month. I like to use my current Tag/Plate for my new car. What is the process that I need to follow to be legal.
Contact the FL DMV that you no longer own the vehicle. It’s important that you do this, especially if you have canceled the insurance since the DMV is notified that the car is no longer insured. In such cases, you may end up with a license suspension if cancel insurance but don’t notify the DMV that you no longer own the vehicle. Once you are ready to transfer the plate to your new car, you’ll only need to provide the plate number on your applications. Best of luck.
I realized my registration was expired, so I just renewed my registration online, but won’t get the new sticker for a few days. can I still drive with the old sticker on until I get the new one in?
In most, if not all, states, you are required to have the most current plate sticker on the plate if it is being operated on the road so you can be ticketed for driving the vehicle without the most recent plate sticker. That said, most police officers can run the plate and confirm that the registation is renewed and, being able to provide a receipt or copy of the registration can help with avoiding a ticket in that instance. Best of luck
Can you transfer your Florida plates to a new car bought from a private seller online so you do not have to go to the DMV? If so what site would you go to?
Hi Angie, eTags offers an online option to transfer both the title into your name and your existing FL plates to the new car. Please visit this page to start an order.
When I bought a new car, I got a new plate/tag. The car dealer never handed me my old plate. However, it is still showing that my old plate is under my name. What should I do next? Can I keep the plate/tag number without renewing it ( plate is lost physically) or do I need to surrender it?
Most information online involved the physical plate which you don’t have, i suggest calling your local tax collector to see if you can remove your name that’s attached to the plate. Also check out this article “When A License Plate Is Physically Unavailable:
When the license plate is unavailable for surrender, a perjury clause affidavit is acceptable in lieu of
the actual license plate. The owner/registrant of the license plate must submit the following to have
the license plate cancelled in FRVIS”
I just bought a new car from a dealer and put my old tag from my previous car on it. The old car (that was totaled) was registered for another 6 months. However the proof of registration was in the car and is now lost. Can I use the old tag on the new vehicle ? Can I get proof of registration online or do I go to the DMV to get a replacement copy?
If you’re not in the registration renewal period, you can get the reg card online by selecting Replace Lost Plate or Sticker with eTags
I can’t find this answer anywhere! Just renewed registration on my car in FL was sent new plate due to being 10 yrs old. Do I need to send back the old plate, or keep it?
The envelope says something about sending back but no paid postage
The state of FL asks drivers to dispose and surrender their plates, here’s a link on how to do that
I payed for my registration renewal by mail and I got it with a new plate, new number. I guess they have to switch it every ten years. What are my next steps? Surrender the old plate, let my insurance know , my plate info had been changed? Anything else?
Surrender your license plate, here’s how to do it.
I just purchased a new car. I have a specialty tag on my other car. Can I put the specialty tag on my new car and the tag from my new car on my old car? Basically I would be swapping tags and vehicles. I am the registered on both.
Hey there Amber. You can process transfer of plates for the vehicles since you own both. It’s not as simple as just switching the tags however. You’ll need to re-register each one with the state. eTags can help with the transfer. Use my link to place an order on our site!
Hi I’m sorry to jump in this question but I didn’t know how to make my own question. My sons car broke down in VA where he goes to college….it’s not running. It’s parked to sell it or junk it. He bought another used car in Florida where he is a resident and transferred the plate to that car and it’s registered in Florida until August 2024. He recently got a renewal notice for the old car which expires August 16 of this year how do I cancel that registration because there’s no insurance on that car that doesn’t run? We canceled the car insurance on the old car the day before we bought the new car.. he doesn’t want his license to become suspended because of the old car not have an insurance but it’s not drivable. Very confusing but we just want to do the right thing. Thank you
Assuming your son has the title of the vehicle in his name, eTags can help you transfer the FL license plate, since simply moving the plate from one car to another does not transfer it with the DMV. Moving it to another car is not an official process.
If title for current car is in his name already, he needs to transfer plate only.
I bought a house and moved to FL from TX last year and surrendered my TX DL for a FL DL. I still own my house in TX. My truck is still registered in TX and I just renewed the registration online last month. I am moving back to TX. The truck is not doing well so I want to sell it to Carmax and buy a new used truck in FL to tow my belongings back to TX. Can I buy a new truck in FL and transfer my TX plate to the new truck? And can the registration renewal fee I just paid be transferred to the new truck?
You car must be registered, i.e. have a license plate, in the state you live in. So you can’t FL plates for TExas. You’ll also be titling an out-of-state vehicle which is why you’ll need a title transfer in TX. It’ll probably involve a VIN verification. You may be credited for registration but that depends on Texas, eTags doesn’t operate there at the moment.
Can you get a new car with a new tag if you owe tolls on your old expired tag from another vehicle?
Hi Ashlee- It’s best to take care of the tolls that you owe first so you don’t run into any license problems down the line! Good luck!
My wife is a traveling nurse . We will be in South Dakota with our car with Florida tags …they expire 2 weeks before we arrive back in florida …how do I get my new sticker mailed to my temp. Address in South dakota …so we have no problems on our journey back home in Florida
If you renew your tags online with eTags, we can mail them to your temporary address in SD. The DMV typically only sends their mail to the address you have on file with them which is usually your residence. Go to eTags.com and select FL, then renewal service. As you submit your order, the system will ask you if you’d like to ship to same address or different.
I am about to purchase a car from a private seller, if I still have my previous license plate am I able to transfer the tag to the new car? With the timing of the possible purchase the tax collectors office will be closed and my work schedule makes it hard to go in person.
Hey there, yes you can transfer a license plate in Florida. But since you’re buying a car, you’ll also need a title transfer. No need to go in person you can do the entire process with eTags online. Just choose Florida as state and select ‘bought a car’. Once you start the process, you’ll get asked if you want to transfer your license plate.
Hi, I’m Supposed to pick up my new car tomorrow. I still have my old car that I am using, and I plan to take it to the dealer or carmax within the next few days. what do you suggest I do to avoid having to buy another plate? I read somewhere Florida requires me to transfer plates within 30 days… does that mean I can drive the new car without a plate? I just want to use the same one that I have for the new car and avoid having to purchase a new one. TIA
If you’d like to avoid paying for a new license plate, you’ll need to transfer the plate from your original vehicle to the new one. You certainly can’t drive the new car without plates. Bring your plate with you to pick up the new vehicle and inquire about a temporary tag for a few days until you can sell the old one. I would not advise that you drive either vehicle anywhere without a tag on it! Good luck!
I’d like to transfer the specialty plate from one of my vehicles (#1) to my other vehicle (#2) and then get a new specialty plate for vehicle #1. Both vehicles are registered in my name. Is this allowed?
Hi Jeff,
Yes, you sure can. Here in Florida, eTags specializes in specialty! (Haha) I’ll shoot you an email with a link to use to place the order and I can help make sure your order goes off without a hitch!
Just got new car. Transferred my tags a d registration to new car. But I want to still drive my old car for another few weeks. Is it still considered “registered” or temporary registered for short period due to transfer? Or is it not registered? And how wouod i obtain a temporary tag to drive my car to Carmax to sell it or something in a few weeks? Please advise
Hello! Technically, your old car is no longer registered anymore. You could head up to your local DMV and apply for temporary registration in order to sell the car. The DMV does have certain specs on why and when they issue temporary tags, so you’d have to see if your situation qualifies. Good luck!
Sold my car and tags expired. Got a new car a year later and I’m ready to transfer my old plates. Can I do so ?
Yes! You can. Your fees will include the renewal fees and could include a late fee. You’ll need to transfer the title for the new vehicle as well. eTags can process this transaction for you online! Use this link to place an order in Florida for “Bought a car or got one as a gift”
Let me know if you place an order as I would love to help you directly to get your vehicle title and plate transferred over! Thanks!
If I sell my car and keep the plate, but not buy another car for several years, will the plate save me some money down the road?
Hey! As long as your plate still has credit from the previous registration, you’ll be able to put that plate on your new car and use the credit. You’ll avoid having to pay the $225 initial registration fee on your next vehicle.
“As long as your plate still has credit from the previous registration”
I sold my car two years ago and the tag expired 12/2021. I am in the process of buying a new Tesla. How do I know if my plate has credit from previous registration?
Hi there! If the plate expired and you never renewed it, it’s unlikely that it has a credit but you may still transfer it which will save you registration fees. Place an order with eTags and indicate the plate number. We’ll check with the DMV to see if the plate is available for use and what your credit will be. Please let me know if I can help!
I plan to purchase my leased vehicle when the lease is up in January. I would like to keep my current license plates. How do I transfer them?
Sure, you’ll be able to transfer the plate. Heads up, you’ll still be charged the initial $225 registration fee since this isn’t paid on leased vehicles.
Thank you for your question. In Florida, toll violations stay with the person, not the vehicle. If there are toll violations that you’re sure aren’t associated with you, you should contact the toll providers and then the DMV if necessary. A really bad system glitch is the only explanation I can think of! Good luck!
I want to trade in my current vehicle to buy a new one, however my tag is currently expired and I can’t afford to renew it because of outstanding tolls. Will I still be able to buy a new car if the dealer just issues me a new tag?
It’s recommended to pay off your tolls first. Depending on how outstanding they might be or how much, it could result in license suspension or worse, legal action!
Florida law only allows for registration hold for outstanding tolls. They no longer suspend drivers licenses. My wife was able to buy a new car even though she had a registration hold because of tolls. The dealership just issued her a new tag. However, her tag was not expired yet. Mine currently is expired so I don’t know if they are able to issue me a new tag like they did my wife.
On a side note, my tag is currently under by wife’s birthday. If I get a new car and have the tag put under my birthday, will that make any difference as well? Thanks.
If your tag is transferred to your name, then the expiration date will be your birthday.
My car was just totaled because of hurricane ian. Car prices in Florida are crazy right now. If I go out of state to buy a car do I have to pay the impact fee again or can I just use one of the two plates I’ve already paid for?
Hi there! Thank you for your question. Sorry to hear of your misfortune with hurricane Ian. If by impact fee, you mean the initial registration fee, then no! As long as the plate you have holds a valid registration, you should be able to transfer the license plate to your new car. If you have any trouble getting into the DMV, feel free to visit our website to transfer your plate after you get a new car!
I have an older from 2000 License plate that was a family members. Am I
Able to transfer/trade that plate to my current Florida license plate?
Do you mean you want to use this 2000-plate instead of your current one? Im guessing sentimental value?
Pls resubmit your entire question with clarification so we can provide an answer.
Buying new car. Going to transfer tag from old car to new one. Can we go and get new tag for the old car that we transferred the tag from?
Florida DMV does allow registered owners to transfer a tag they already own to another vehicle. If you are at a dealer, give them the tag number that will be transferred to the new vehicle and make sure they remove any new plate fees. If buying from a private seller, you can use eTags online title service to transfer both the title and the tag. Best of luck
I will be transferring my license plate and tags to a new vehicle I am buying. I will have the old vehicle until I can sell it. Am I required to still have a license plate on the old vehicle if it just sits in the yard until I sell it ?
That depends on what constitutes as the “yard.” If it’s curbside you will have to keep registration since its public property. Please send a more elaborate question for more details.
Can I buy a new, second car, get a temporary tag for it, and then still be able to transfer the old tag from my first car after I sell it?
Transfer the old tag to a new is possible. You can go online and click on Register Vehicle for title transfer and registration through etags. As for temp tags, you’ll be able to get that from the dealership
My registration is due to renew in July; by the end of this year I’ll be moving to another county, (still in FL). If I renew in July with my current county and then change my address to reflect the new county later this year, will I have to re-register and pay a new fee with the new county?
No. You can renew your registration in July for which you will receive a registration card with your current address. Once you move and are ready to change your address, you can do so online via GoRenew.com. When it comes time to renew again, your new address will be on your registration. You may also choose to order a registration card at the time you change your address for a small fee.
I sold my car to a dealer two weeks ago and am moving overseas next week and will be there for at least two years. Can I keep my license plate (which is personalized and in my possession)?
this article from the FL DMV may help: https://www.flhsmv.gov/motor-vehicles-tags-titles/license-plates-registration/
So I just received my new tag in the mail and it is a different number to my original one. I’d had it 9 years and paid for 2 more … Typically when you receive your new tag do you get a new number ?
In FL, you typically get a new plate every 10 yrs, it’s possible that that’s what happened but you can reach out to a local FL DMV for more details.
My current truck is out of commission because the OEM replacement part is on back order for at least 3 months. I still have my old SUV with no tag in storage. Can I just take the tag off my truck and put it on my old SUV since I own both vehicles? I transferred that tag from my SUV to my truck when I bought it. Is there any form I need to fill out or fee to pay?
You can definitely put the license plate on the SUV, however you will need to “Transfer Registration” back to the SUV, You will need to pay the initial eTags service fee and a second payment of the DMV fees. You can place the order here
I have just sold my car this weekend and cancelled my insurance and my registration is up for renewal in 30 days. I am planning on buying a new car, but it will not be within a month. So, do I need to return my license plate within 30 days to avoid suspension of my license or could I keep the license plate until I buy a new car, which will probably for a least a few months due to lack of supply. If I do keep the plate, do I have to pay the renew registration?
It’s best to surrender the plate and when you get the new vehicle, you can request that it be transferred. That way, you won’t have to buy a new plate for the new vehicle.
I sold a car a couple of month ago, I still have the tag. Can I use the same tag to register a new used car?
Yes, you can use the same tag, andto Transfer the Title and Transfer the plate to the new used vehicle. Just click here to do it all online.
I turned my tag in 9 years ago and I went to get a new tag today for a car I just bought and they told me I had to pay the $225 impact fee why is that
The $225 is the fee the DMV charges for a New License Plate in the State of Florida.
My wife and I purchased a used car from a dealer here in Florida. The plate on our trade-in was in my name and didn’t expire until 5/2023. The new car is in my wife’s name and the registration they issued expires on 8/2022. Can I get reimbursed for the 9 months difference in expirations?
Here’s a form from the FL DMV with various reasons for refund, see if any of them work for your specific situation.
I just purchased a used car at a dealership and the dealership says it will cost 250$ for the plates and sticker is that true or is it cheaper to go to the dmv
Just check online with the FL DMV or process paperwork online at etags.com
I thought FL car registrations were good for a year? I purchased a new car in May, and received a renewal notice as due at the end of October (only 5 moths later). Is that normal?
In Florida, registration expiration dates are based on the owner’s birthdate. Assuming you purchased the vehicle from a dealership who did all the title and registration work, it is likely that they only paid your registration fees through your next birthdate. If your birthdate is not in October, we recommend contacting the dealer to confirm how they processed the registration or a local tax/collector/DMV office directly. When you are ready to renew, eTags online can assist!
I purchased a used vehicle in Nov ’21 and the dealer gave me a new plate as they said it would save me money. I removed that vehicle from the insurance and added the new one. Now I am getting letters requesting POI for the old vehicle and plates. Should the dealer have surrendered or marked the old plates as cancelled?
The dealership usually takes care of this, but you can call your local tax collector and inform them that you’re no longer using these plate.
I will be purchasing a new car soon and i will be transferring the tag to the new vehicle. The soon to be old car will still be in my yard and sold to a friend in a few months. Am i still liable if something happens to the vehicle before the title is transferred over to the friend? She is purchasing it but would like to have it painted and serviced first.
Hey there, yes as long as the title is in your name you’re responsible for it. You’re still the owner.
I just purchased a new car from a dealer who is transferring my old car’s registration to the new car. I have my temporary registration info and the “old” plate is on my new car. My question is, my “old” car registration is due next month. If I pay that now will I have to pay for the “new” car, too? If so, what should I do to avoid double payment?
Contact the dealership to know more about how to handle your registration.
Bought a used vehicle in Alabama can I drive it with my insurance on it then change my tags over to it within 20 days
Thank you for your question. As long as the vehicle has a legal registration and legal insurance, you can operate the vehicle. Another solution would be to transfer the title and get a new registration online with eTags. We can ship your new tag to you wherever you are in the country. You would need to change your insurance over to valid Florida insurance. I hope this helps!
Can I transfer plates and registration between two vehicle I currently own? My husband gave me his jeep and he took my car, but I had custom plates on my car that I went on my jeep. Is that possible and how do I do it?
Hello there, you can place a Title Transfer with Tag transfer order, during the process, the customer license plate will be transferred to the Jeep. Just choose Transfer Your Title online with eTags
Is there a grace period before being ticketed for expired tag my birthday was December 30 it’s the 8th ???
if your registration is expired, you must renew on time.No grace period. You can renew online with etags online and get a temporary downloadable registration for proof until you get the card and sticker in mail.
I was giftef a car n need to know how i go aboit it and do i need insurance before or after?
I’m guessing you’d like to register the vehicle so you can drive it. You’ll need the title signed over to you so you can complete a title transfer and registration on with etags online. You will need to provide the title, a copy of your ID, and copy of the Florida insurance.
I have a house in Florida and Pennsylvania. My drivers license, registration, auto insurance and tag are all current and actively registered in Florida. I am currently in Pennsylvania, and will be for the next 2-3 months. I just bought a used car from Denver being shipped to my house in PA in the next few days. Can I transfer my old plate off my car now to the new one and get new registration through you online, that way I don’t have to fly down to Florida just to go to the DMV to have it transferred ?
yes etags can complete the title transfer online as long as you have the original certificate of title.Go to eTags online for your title transfer and registration in FL.
I lease a car Texas. They sent me Texas plates instead of Florida plates. How do I register my car so that I can drive it to my home state Florida?
You can drive the car to Florida with the Texas plates that you were issued. You can place an order on eTags online , select Florida as state, to register your car in Florida and we would contact your lease company to obtain the title to the vehicle. Once we have the title as well as a copy of your ID and your Florida insurance, your new Florida plate will be mailed to you.
I am getting a new used car and I wonder if I can reactivate an old tag from another car I used to have in the passed in the new used car. It’s going to be under the same registration owner name, me. Can I do that in Florida?
f the tag is not recorded as “canceled” in the Florida DMV system, you can transfer it to the new car. You can place an order to transfer the title and transfer the tag on here. If the tag does show up as canceled in the FL DMV system, you would be issued a new tag.
I just renewed my car registration (sticker) in Broward County this month Dec 2021, but am moving to another county in 2 weeks. Do I need a new sticker and how long do I have before it has to be done?
Check out the “if you move within fl section” of this article
Hi, I sold my car but kept the tag as I’m planning to buy a new one in January. The registration renewal was due last month (same time I sold my car). Should I pay for the renewal to avoid late fees? Or can I wait to have the new car?
Wait until you have the new car as you will not be responsible for previous registration year or late fees when a plate is transferred to a new car. If you buy the new car through a dealership, they will complete the title and registration process for you. Make sure to let them know that you are transferring a plate and check their itemized fees to assure you aren’t being charged for new plates. Should the dealership not complete the title and registration process for you or if you buy your car through a private seller, you can place an order online with eTags to transfer the title and your registration. Best of luck and happy holidays.
I have a non expired antique tag. I sold my antique vehicle, I’m buying a 2007 Toyota truck. Will I get credit, (not have to buy another tag or pay the fee). I know the antique tag has to be turned in.
Can I get a regular tag with same number,etc since I have the antique tag registered
Antique plates can’t be changed to regular or even personalized/specialty plates. You’ll, however, receive a credit for the amount of months still valid on the registration of the antique plate. You’ll need to pay the “new plate fee” of $225 plus whatever the difference is of a one year registration fee is, less any credit being transferred from the months left on your antique registration before it expires. You may complete the application for a new registration in person and turn in your plate to the office clerk or you may place an order online with eTags for a New Registration. Best of luck and happy holidays.
Hi, in 2018 I sold my car and didn’t get a new car. Back then the tag was removed and saved. (I didn’t know that I had to return it to the HSMV) Today, I am about to get a new car and I was thinking to transfer the tag (I’ve heard its possible to transfer tags to save money) to the new car but I have lost the plate.
Can I get a replacement tag and transfer it to my new car? Do I have to cancel and surrender the tag to HSMV anyhow and get a new plate? If I can still use my license plate then What would I need to do first? Replacement or transfer? I appreciate your advice. Thank you!
As long as the plate is not marked as canceled in the DMV system, you will be able to transfer it and request a replacement plate when you complete the title transfer process. If you are purchasing the car at a dealership, they will typically handle the title and registration process so just make sure to let them know that you have a plate to transfer and that you will need a replacement plate issued. If you are buying your car from a private seller and will be handling the title and registration process yourself, you can place an order on eTags.com. You will be asked for the title signed over to you by the seller, your ID, insurance card, and the plate number you want to transfer. If the plate was canceled and so not eligible to be transferred, you will need to apply for new plates which would add $225 new plate fee to the title transfer and registration fees that will be due.
Hi, in 2018 I sold my car and didn’t get a new car. Back then the tag was removed and saved. (I didn’t know that I had to return it to the HSMV) Today, I am about to get a new car and I was thinking to transfer the tag (I’ve heard its possible to transfer tags to save money) to the new car but I have lost the plate.
Can I get a replacement tag and transfer it to my new car? Do I have to cancel and surrender the tag to HSMV anyhow and get a new plate? If I can still use my license plate then What would I need to do first? Replacement or transfer? I appreciate your advice. Thank you!
Hi there, if you own your new car, you can transfer your plate online with eTags, just select FL as the state and Register Vehicle for the transfer.
But since it seems like you didn’t return tag or report it to the DMV, it’s possible that you’ll owe back taxes for those few years
I have a new car that was gifted to me and have had a florida plate,tag and registration before. What would it cost me to renew these items ?
Hi there a registration renewal in Fl fee depends on the type of car you have, the weight, usage, and other factors. With etags online you can get an estimate of your fees before you complete your order. Also, we’re not sure who’s current registration you have, is it under your name? These are things to consider, you may need a new registration not a renewal.
I just renewed my registration and sold the vehicle a month later. It’s possible to transfer the remaining of the registration fee to my other vehicle??
Yes the remaining of your registration can be transferred with etags online by selecting “Register a Vehicle” Just select FL as state and proceed.
My truck is a total loss and I haven’t settled with insurance yet so I have yet to replace the vehicle, can I suspend my tag until I purchase a vehicle to transfer it to? I’m at risk of having my license suspended for lack of insurance on the total loss vehicle.
You must surrender the license plate in person at a motor vehicle service center. Failure to surrender a valid license plate when your insurance is cancelled or expires will result in suspension of your driver license.
i kept my old florida license plate when I left the state a few years back. Now that i have returned to the state, can I reuse my old Florida license plate?
You may be able to use your old Florida license if your last registration was less than 8 years ago. If not, you will be required to new Florida plates. If the title for the vehicle is a Florida issued title, you will only need to request a transfer of registration. If the title was replaced by the state you resided in, you will need to complete a transfer of title and registration. Visit eTags.com to complete the transfer of registration online.
Florida- My car is total loss on 21st Sep 2021 and my tag will expire on 17th Oct 2021. I have booked new car and the dealer said the new car will be delivered on Oct 18th but the tag will expire on 17th Oct 2021. Do I have renew the tag on or before Oct 17th or do I have to wait until Oct 18th to get the new Vehicle to transfer the tag?
Hey there, since you’re purchasing from a dealership, they usually handle the paperwork. Did you get a chance to ask them about it? We are bringing it up since the dates are so close, the license plate may not be attached to your new vehicle yet so it’s possible that even if you register before that you’ll have an issue. We don’t have all the details regarding your situation, perhaps get in touch with the dealership
How do I know if a license plate has been transferred to new vehicle…the company said they transferred my registration from my old car to my new vehicle but when I received my new plate it was a new plate with different numbers and letters
Hey there, the license plate could’ve still been transferred even if you have new characters. Reason 1. the plate you transferred could’ve had for more than 7 years. In the state of FL plates are updated automatically between 7-10 years. Reason 2. You didn’t have physical possession of the plate, so the dealer used the credit from that plate. Try asking your dealership for more details, or confirm with the DMV, or maybe you can figure it out by the amount you paid for registration. Hope this helps!
I relocated back to Florida in July. My car registration just expired from the other State the end of July. My car was purchased here in Florida and I returned the Florida tag when I moved three years ago. I’m back in Florida, what is the process, I have insurance on my car from the other State but expired registration like I stated. Please Help!!!
Hi Liz, You will just need to obtain FL insurance and apply for new Florida plates. You can place an order with eTags.com and, once we receive the required document copes (insurance and ID) as well as payment of registration fees, we can ship out your new Florida plates.
My vehicle was totaled in an accident and had a vanity plate. I was able to buy another before getting my payout, so I have a new tag on this vehicle. How do I replace my new tag with the old one?
Hi there, you can go to https://www.etags.com/app/us?utm_source=blog_question and select FL, then select Register a Vehicle and follow the prompts.
I recently traded in my car for a newer used vehicle. I transferred the tag but am due to renew the registration in a few days. The dealer said they usually process it within 30 days but I don’t want to wait and have my registration expired. What should I do? Also, if I have to go in to the DMV to renew what should I bring with me to have the new car registered?
eTags registers Fl vehicles online so you don’t need to go to DMV. You’ll also have access to it in digital form right way should you need proof of registration. Go to etags.com/app/fl?utm_source=blog_question to get started.
Will a dealership still charge tax, tag, and title fees if I can use my tag that I’ve already paid tax and title fees on? And yes, registration is good for another 1.5 years.
That all depends on the dealership. But if you’re transferring the plate you should not have to pay the New registration fee of $225.00.
My new cars registration is good till 2023, if I get a vanity plate can the registration time be transferred to the new tag?
The pro rated value of the current plate will transfer to the vanity plate with the same expiration date
Due to some financial crisis, I sold my car a few days back. I cancelled my insurance as well.
I plan to buy a new car. but due to COVID, I am in NO hurry.
How long do I have to decide on a new car to “re-use” my old license plates ?
Typically 30 days
I have a vehicle with expired out of state registration (more than 6 months). I haven’t been ticketed, but want to get my vehicle registered in Florida.
Since your current registration is expired, you should not drive the vehicle. However, the expired registration will not hinder you from registering your car in FL. You can visit http://www.etags.com/app/fl?utm_source=blog_question and choose the Transfer Title/Registration option to get your new FL title as well as FL plates an registration. You will be asked for the title from the state in which the vehicle is registered, a copy of Florida insurance, a copy of your ID, and a VIN verification completed (https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/forms/82042.pdf) by a Florida notary or a police office from any state.
I have a vanity plate (Florida) from a car I sold in 2019. Can I re-register that same tag to a new vehicle I’m about to purchase?
Registration license plates in Florida belong to the person who ordered it and not to a specific vehicle. You can transfer your license plate to any other vehicle you own within the same classification. If the Florida vanity plate doesn’t have any stops for unpaid tolls or insurance suspension, then you can have it transferred on a new vehicle.
Registration renewal next month..due to COVID I do not drive my car so it has no insurance (to save $). If I do not renew registration due to lack of insurance, will my late fee increase as time goes on? I plan to not even remove it from my garage for the next several months and only drive my husband’s car, which is fully insured with up to date tags. Trying to decide if it’s cheaper to just get insurance to renew to take late fee penalty and renew down the line when I will actually be driving it again
Yes you’ll accrue a late fee, but the highest would be is $20.
I purchased an ‘Allen’ bike (with space for tag). If fully loaded it’s difficult to see the tag (read in various States you can receive a tkt for tag obstructing) My question is, am I allowed to purchase a duplicate tag from the tax collector so I don’t have to keep removing the original tag from the back of my car? Or to ask the same question another way, can I have 2 tags exactly the same in Florida?
Unfortunately license plates are not duplicated. The best solution may be to place your license plate on your rear view window where visible.
can I transfer a tag if I have a ticket I’m paying payments on in florida
Depends if the DL is suspended or not. You can check online at flhsmv.gov. If it is not suspended there should be no problem.