Everyone has lost an important document at some point in their lives. Paper is flimsy and easy to lose, no matter how important it may be—even if it happens to be your vehicle’s title. You could have lost it when you moved. (In Florida, as of 2021 about 900 people move to the Sunshine State every day!) Maybe it’s tucked away, hidden for years until you discover it on your next move.
Use eTags© to Quickly Complete Your DMV Service. Renewals, Title Transfers and More, All Online!
No matter the case, there’s no need to worry if you need a title replacement. The process is even easier if you live in Florida since you can do it online with companies like eTags.
What is a title and why do I need one anyway?
You’ve come to terms with the fact that your title is missing. No big deal, right? You’re not even sure what it’s for in the first place. In reality, a title is important because it proves that you own your vehicle.
Other names for a vehicle title include a pink slip, certificate of title and proof of ownership
A not-so-good samaritan can easily sell your vehicle if they have your title. This is a very real possibility for those living in FL. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement notes that carjacking cases went up in 2020 from almost 40,000 cases the year before.

More than that, a lost or missing title makes it difficult to sell your car or register your car in a new state. Replace it sooner rather than later through the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) or through a trusted online titling service like eTags.
If you’d like to replace your title online with the Florida DMV, (FLHMSV), note that you can only get a duplicate title with the FLHMSV if you have an electronic title and no lien on your vehicle. If not, you’ll have to go into a tax collector’s office or license plate agency in person with the right paperwork. That’s why it’s more convenient to go through an app like eTags, since both paper titles and electronic titles are processed online. There are no limitations.
In FL, most vehicles, mobile homes or vessels are required to be titled, except mopeds, motorized bicycles, and trailers weighing less than 2,000 pounds

Florida duplicate title on the FL DMV’s GoRenew
Getting your vehicle title replacement with the FL DMV comes with a few caveats and restrictions; steps you need to take as well as personal info you may not want to divulge online such as your social security number. You must have a recorded email address with the FLHSMV to ensure all communications reach your valid inbox. You must also agree to the Driver Privacy Protection Act Warning. In short, it just states that you can only enter information that belongs to you or get written permission if you’re giving someone else’s. From there, there’s more: You have to submit the following details about the vehicle’s owner:
• Last name
• Date of birth
• The full street address that’s on record
• The full social security number or the last 5 digits of the social security number
• Either the FL driver’s license/FL ID number, the original title number, the license plate number, the documented vessel number, or the vessel FL number
The eTags app doesn’t require your social security number
If the vehicle’s owner isn’t a Florida resident with a social security number, you must enter one of the following articles of information if you want to get a duplicate title through FLHSMV’s website:
• License plate number
• Original title number
• Documented vessel number
• Vessel FL number

Skip the hassle and get title replacement with eTags
The beauty of using a site like eTags is that it processes all types of title replacements. Whether it was damaged, lost, destroyed, or perhaps even misplaced! But you’ll have to void your original title (if you find it later) if you ordered a duplicate one. Lost it? That’s fine. Don’t have an electronic title? That’s still fine! The Florida title replacement process simple, contactless, and accessible to everyone. Unlike GoRenew, eTags provides the following benefits:
• You can get a pink slip for all kinds of vehicles, from cars to pickup trucks to motorhomes and more
• Enter only essential information, and have it automatically fill out the FL DMV title replacement form
• You’re not restricted to using specific types of payment since, eTags all major credit cards and PayPal, PayPal Credit, even split payments
• Your own personal online account, where a title specialist can communicate with you for updates and assistance with any questions
• In the future, you can renew your Florida vehicle registration online through your eTags account
• Get your Florida duplicate title anywhere, not just at the address on file with the DMV
If you complete your Florida title replacement with the FL DMV, you can only use either Mastercard, Visa, American Express, or Discover to pay for your fees

Online title replacements with eTags are fast, convenient, and secure. All you’ll need to do is go through our portal, place your order, and provide valid information.
Is there a fee to use e-tags?
Are the title fees etc the same as the DMV?
There are added fees for the online convenience as well as other benefits such as mailing you paperwork that’s not in DMV files, say if you’re away from some time. Also, you’ll have your own customer account through which you can ask for assistance, plus downloadable e-tag registrations for temporary use until you get papers in the mail