For those who love to drive, from car enthusiasts to scenic motorists and convertible lovers, there’s no place like the Sunshine State. Sunny and warm weather for most of the year — ideal for that wind-in-your-hair feeling — beach front avenues, and home to one of the most car shows per capita – partly because of low rider collectors in Miami.
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One way Florida drivers show their love for the open road is by hanging a specialty license plate on the back on their vehicles. You can get a FL specialty tags online or with the DMV. More on that later! From “Protect Florida Whales,” to “End Breast Cancer,” and “Salutes Firefighters,” as of March 1, 2022, special and specialty plates account for close to two million Florida registrations with the FL DMV. And for a great cause too! More on that in a few.
Florida’s specialty license plates registrations have raised over $500 million
Florida specialty license plate vs. personalized plate
The state of Florida has more than 100 specialty license plates. Those are the tags that support a variety of charitable causes and organizations like the “Marine Corps” or “Save The Manatee” which sold over 50,000 FL plates. Specialty plates are not personalized plates. Those are tags with personal text like your name, “BYE PAL,” or “BAD HAIR.”

Philanthropy via Florida specialty tags
With specialty license plates, Florida drivers can not only champion, but also take part in a little fundraising since money raised from selling these types of FL tags goes straight to the organization (that they’re supporting). Since 1986, Florida’s specialty license plates and Florida registrations have raised over $500 million thanks to more than 1.2 million Floridians who participate in the program every year. In 2020 alone, during the first year of the pandemic, despite less drivers on the road, over $32 million was raised for philanthropic efforts represented by 122 specialty tags.
In 2020 alone, Florida specialty tags raised more than $32 million for charitable causes
3,000 FL tags bought or they don’t get made
There’s even a pre-sale, typically of 3,000 license plates, before a plate goes into production. For out-of-state universities, it’s 4,000 tags before they get distributed the FL masses. Plus, there’s an ongoing pre-sale list of a variety of causes to support including a “Dan Marino Campus” license plate which already had 663 plates bought, only 2,337 more to go before the tags can go into production. The “Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity” has 153 plates already purchased for Florida registrations. The fraternity needs to sell another 2,847 to get the Florida license plate produced.
The FL DMV also allows specialty plates to be offered as gifts for another registered driver in Florida. So if your uncle is a former police officer, you can get him a Support Law Enforcement” specialty Fl plate. In fact, nearly 22,000 plates are already on Florida roads.

As of March 2022, Orange County, Florida has the most Walt Disney World license plates with 20,250 tags on the roads
There are plenty of types of specialty license plates for Florida drivers from collegiate plates to environmental tags, to sports-supporting registrations, and special interest license plates like Walt Disney World registrations. The Sunshine State has three standard license plate choices for its driving residents, including the county name tags (but not in all counties), the “Sunshine State” license plate of course and the “In God We Trust” plate. The “Tampa Buccaneers” license plate is on over 54,000 FL vehicle registrations.
“Golf Capital of The World” and “University of Miami” license plates are sold to over 28,000 Florida drivers
Florida specialty tags online or at the DMV?
If you’re going to complete your Florida specialty plate registration with the FL DMV, you may have to go in for your renewal depending on your specific situation. You may have tolls or parking tickets you have yet to pay, or even a driver’s license suspension that’s blocking your Florida registration. Make sure to book you DMV appointment if you can do so in your local county. You could also look into applying for specialty with your local FL tax collector.

For FL drivers looking for a quick and convenient specialty plate registration, visit eTags online. You can check out the car title and registration app right on your smartphone or use anyone of your favorite devices. Answer a few questions like make, model, and VIN number so your vehicle can be located then choose a specialty license plate over a standard one. That’s all! All online, plus you’ll get a downloadable copy of your FL e-tag or registration for temporary use until you get your specialty plate on your doorstep.
eTags is proud to support the Lauren’s Kids Foundation specialty license plate program in Florida; fundraising that helps further the mission of preventing childhood sexual abuse. Since 2016, the car titling and registration company and their customers have raised over $110,000.
The “Miami Heat” FL license plate generated $1,244,675 between 2017-2020 in fundraising
“Protect The Panther” FL plate made $821, 225 in funds so far
If you like to be part of the crowd, well the Florida crowd that is, there’s a list of the top 10 specialty license plates by REVENUE that’s backed by data from FL registrations from 2017 to 2020. The highlights? In 2020, the “Endless Summer” FL tag was the number one specialty license plates for Floridians. How many FL $$$ did these specialty registrations generate you ask? $1,995,250 in 2020 alone. “Save the Manatee” specialty FL registration made $945,275 for the organization. The “University of Florida” plate took the number two spot with $1,924,900 two years ago.

So which Florida specialty license plate are you going for the next time tour register your vehicle?
Remember: “Miami Heat,” “Animal Friend,” “FIU” “Jacksonville U,” “Nova Southeastern,” “State Wildflower,” “Tampa Bay Lightning,” and “Trees are Cool” Florida specialty license plates went up in sales in March 2020 compared to the year before
As of July 1, 2021, there were 47,621 vehicle registrations of the “Tampa Bay Buccaneers” specialty license plate
Is it possible to obtain a specialty tag eventhough my vehicle tag/registration is not ready for renewal?
Yes. If you place your order to upgrade to a specialty plate through eTags, you will choose the “Get Specialty/Personalized Plate without Renewal” when prompted.
What percentage of the specialty plate fee goes to the supported organization or charity?
Typically that depends on the organization you choose to support. There may be a small sum to help pay for administrative costs.
How to secure a personalized plate?
Hey there, just visit eTags and answer a few questions about where you are in your registration renewal period. You’ll get asked for your unique characters/numbers and if you’d like a specialty plate as well. It’s self-explanatory but once you start the process you can get assistance through your account.
Is there a reason the Miami Dolphins plate is not available?
When certain plates are out of stock, they’re not on display. You should now find it again on
Can you get a DV plate personalized
Yes you can, but our website doesn’t display the veteran specialty plate so it’s more of a manual process. If interested let us know and we can contact you by email or phone call and process it for you. You can also reach out to and let them know what you’re looking to do
I love the American Flag specialty plate, however on the bottom it reads, US Veteran. I love the flag for a plate, but I wonder if it can be created and not have Veteran on the bottom, but rather something else like God Bless American, American the Beautiful, or something else. I do not want stolen valor, but I love the plate. Is there anything can be done?
Specialty plates can’t be edited but you’re welcome to look through the catalog online and choose another similar specialty plate.
check out the America the beautiful specialty plate