When it comes to changing ownership of car after a death, there are two main factors to consider: a title transfer with probate or a title transfer without probate. Simply put, probate is the legal process an estate goes through after a person passes. There may or may not be a will and/or living trust with probate procedures.
Use eTags© to Quickly Complete Your DMV Service. Renewals, Title Transfers and More, All Online!
If there is a will, the process can prove to be easier since the deceased person’s wishes have been recorded on paper. All there is for the court to do is authenticate/validate the will and authorize the beneficiary/executor to pay any outstanding bills and taxes and execute the plan/will.
Vehicle Transfer Without Probate and Form REG 5
Transferring cars, motorcycles, and boats after death without probate, means you’re inheriting a vehicle and can keep it or sell it. The California DMV just asks that you fill out Form REG 5 also called Affidavit For Transfer Without Probate California Titled Vehicle or Vessels Only. REG 5 has you sign and certify that there’s no probate proceedings.
BUT, you can only transfer the car 40 days AFTER the decedent’s death. Also, the total property of the individual who has passed away can’t exceed $166,250 If you’re next of kin, conservator, beneficiary or trustee, you can submit the request for title transfer without any letters of administration or testamentary (issued by a court/public official authorizing the executor of a will to take control of a deceased person’s estate).
Please note: A power of attorney or POA can’t be used to complete REG 5

You’ll need a few details to complete REG 5:
• VIN number
• Make and model
• License plate number
• if it’s a motorcycle you’re inheriting, then you need the engine number
• Date and place of decedent’s death
• An original or certified copy of the death certificate for all deceased registered owners
• The title transfer fee; if you’re selling to someone, you’ll have two fees to pay
The title of vehicle to be transferred in this manner must be a California title not out of state. You must sign the CA title on the registered owner’s name and countersignature on line 1.
If a CA vehicle is owned by two or more deceased owners, the Affidavit For Transfer Without Probate form applies for the most recently deceased owner only

Vehicle Transfer With Probate
Typically, a full probate process in California takes a little over six months, so it’s best to start ASAP. When court proceedings are involved in the transfer of the vehicle, the administrator or executor signs the CA title by signing the decedent’s name and writing: “by (name of executor) Executor.”
You’ll need:
• Letters testamentary or court order that authorizes you to make the car transfer
• An odometer disclosure if the car’s less than a decade old
• Title transfer and/or California registration fees
• Statement of Facts Form REG 256 for tax exemption and smog exemption

It’s good to know that any inherited vehicle won’t require a smog check if the last smog certification was obtained within the last 90 days.
And that wraps it up title transfers upon inheritance in the Golden State.
Remember, if you happen to inherit your next set of wheels, you can transfer ownership online with us at etags.com quickly and easily. Because as always, we’re here to help!
My aunt passed a few years ago left a quad to my dad he never put it in his name she had it registered in Arizona and I live in California how do I get it in my name
We recommend having your father get a new title only in his name through the Arizona DMV. Once he has the new title, you’ll easily be able to register it in CA under your name.
I was given an RV by a man whose brother had passed away. He was not a friend or family member. The RV has no license plates and I don’t know any information about the man that passed away. I want to transfer the RV to my name so I can register it. However, I cannot get in contact with the owner’s brother at this point and have no way of getting a copy of the title. How would I go about getting the RV transferred into my name and registered? Also, the RV & I are located in California. Thank you in advance.
Please seek legal counsel for assistance with how to get the RV registered in your name. Without the title and/or contact with the owner/owner’s family, you will not be able to register the vehicle in your name. Best of luck.
My Mother passed away recently in CA, she had a CA registered vehicle to which the title is lost, my name is on the death certificate and we are not going through probate. I wish to gift the vehicle to my grandmother as I dont want the car (I dont live in california) and she can use the car. Do I need to fill out a form REG 227 for the replacement title in addition to the REG 5, then the REG 256 for the gift to my grandmother? Is there anything I’m missing or anything else i need to do? How do i sign the forms?
How long does it take for etags to process the transfer,? Is it immediately? And does it show up on the DMV website right away after transferred?
For a vehicle being registered in California, we can immediately submit the transaction if we have copies of all the required documents. Submitting the transaction means that the DMV system will be update to reflect the new owner of the vehicle, including issuing a registration card in your name that you can download from your eTags account. However, we must receive all original documents in the mail, such as the title and signed applications, before the transfer is considered complete. Should we not receive those original documents, then the transfer will remain started but incomplete in the DMV system. This will block you from being able to renew the registation in the future. There are instances where a transfer can not be immediately submitted if DMV records for that vehicle have stops or other issues. Please do not hesitate to contact our support team if you have any other questions or need assistance.
My brother passed in early Jan 2024.
He has no will and no one has a POA.
His only asset is a car which he is still paying on.
I have his death certificate.
Loan company will not tell me how much he owes on the car, as I have no will or POA.
Loan company told me to fill out California affidative transfer without probate California vehicle form regular 5 (REG 5). At which point they will be able to give me information regarding his loan etc.
Until I find out what he owes on the loan, I do not want to assume or take on the loan. Most likely will let the loan company REPO the car.
If I fill out REG 5 am I now responsible for taking ownership of the car and responsible for his loan?
Our condolences for you and your family’s loss.
Providing a completed and signed REG 5 form to a loan company does not mean you are assuming ownership of the car. Providing that document to the CA DMV (along with other required documents) will indeed mean you are taking ownership of the car since you would be submitting a request to transfer the vehicle into your name. That said, you would not be able to transfer ownership of the car to your name since it has a lien. The lien holder (loan company) would have to approve that transfer. Which somewhat brings you back to the beginning. You may need to seek legal counsel if the loan company is unwilling or unable to provide information or assist you with resolving this. Best of luck.
My mom passed away in September. Her car was only in her name and given to me by my step-dad. I have her title, deathe certificate and Reg 5 form, since there’s no probate. Does my step-dad need to sign the title transfer? Also can I transfer title before I get it smogged and do it after? The smog is due the end of December.
If it was only in your mom’s name then your step dad doesn’t need to sign it since it was never his. Here’s a step by step guide that can help, plus you can transfer the title online with eTags and have a title specialist help you out.
In California, if the deceased person’s title is lost and there is no probate do I need to complete REG 5, REG 227 and REG 256? I live in Texas and I do not think that matters.
I have the death certificate from LA County, proof of insurance on the car, my birth certificate as the decedent and I have different last names and current registration. The car is 2003.
Is this something eTags can do and would I receive the new title faster than doing myself? I plan on selling the car once title is in my name.
If you plan to complete the transfer in California in order to be issued a California title in your name, you are correct that you would need all 3 of those forms (REG 5, REG 227 and REG 256). If your name has changed and documents (like the title, death cert, your ID, etc) reference that, you will also need to provide an official name change document such as a marriage certificate. eTags can help you with getting the title transferred and getting a new CA title in your name and it would be faster and more convenient if you are either not located in CA or otherwise unable to go in person to a DMV office or if the CA county you are in requires appointments that are booked days or weeks out and you cannot wait. That said, if you are a Texas resident, you could consider transfer the title to your name there instead. We do not offer service in Texas but you can find some of the TX DMV requirements here. You could also look into whether you need to transfer the title into your name at all if you plan on selling it. Depending on where the potential buyer resides, Texas or another state, the DMV may accept the existing title in the deceased’s name as long as you can provide the buyer with copies of all the documents and assuming you feel comfortable doing so. Although, you might find that buyers are deterred from the buying the car if the title is not in your name as the seller. Best of luck.
What happens if it has been more then 40 days since the person is now deceased? What is the next process?
This step by step guide should help you get more details for the after 40 days.
Does the REG 5 document need to be notarized? Most affidavits do, but I can’t find anything on the CA DMV website (or the Web for that matter) stating whether a notary is needed. Thanks!
no, there’s mention of it online
Sorry, your answer isn’t clear. Does the REG 5 document need to be notarized?
no it doesn’t need to be notarized
My father passed 5 years ago. His vehicle has been parked in the garage for 5 years covered up. Now I , his son wants to restore it and register it in my name. Will I have pay the back DMV fees when I transfer the title. I am in California and it is a California title vehicle.
Thank you. Al
Best to contact your local DMV
I have a question, my mom passed away in December she had 3 vehicles, I was told that she had a loan on one of the vehicles so they told me they would repossess it if payments where not made or get the car financed in my name. I was able to get my bank to finance the car in my name. The other two cars I want to sell and split the money between the siblings and myself, I want to know do I have to distribute the money or can I put it in my mom’s Estate bank account? The judge did not require the cars to be put in probate, just my mom’s house. My brother is bugging me to sell the cars He so far gone he think the car that I financed can be included in the sell which it can’t because I’m making payment to the bank.
This seems more like a legal question, all we can help with is transferring the titles for the new buyers or help you with duplicate titles in case they’re lost so you can sell the vehicles.
Hello, my father passed away at the end of June and lived in Texas. I’m going to take care of his belongings including a car. What steps must I take to transfer the car into my name and have it here in California? He had no will and nothing to be considered an “estate”
Sorry for your loss. This article will help you with details. In case of title transfer, you can apply with eTags and process paperwork online.
Hello. I believe I have a unique situation. My aunt passed away over 2 years ago and I am next of kin (both CA residents). There was no will and I have gone through everything necessary with probate (a very very long process!) and I received the petition for final distribution in March. Her two vehicles are paid off and i have the court documentation that they are to go to me, once I get it all figured out. I don’t want to spend the whole day at DMV until I know I have everything in line to do so. Mostly everything I look up is a direct transfer to parent, child, grandchild, brother, sister etc. I am none of the above. So from my understanding I will need both vehicles smogged, even though one is a 2021? Other vehicle is a 2006. And I will be paying taxes on the current market value? Will DMV determine that value, or will I? They were appraised during probate, but due to the complicated circumstances of the estate the appraisal took place almost 2 years ago. Also what documentation will be needed to handle all this?
-death certificate
-Court order final distribution
-smog certificates?
I feel like it should not be this hard, but here I am clueless as can be.
Here’s a more thorough article on documentation needed and steps to follow
Tricky situation I am in, I have a friend who is terminally ill, his 2 cars are registered in his wife’s name and she passed away 10 months ago. She had no will and no probate and the 2 cars are community property, I am the executor and the beneficiary of his will so my question is how will I transfer the cars from her to me?
Hello there, best is to have your friend transfer the vehicles to you. So he’ll have to sign over the title and then you can apply for a title transfer in your name to become the new owner. You can do this online.
Both of my grandparents have passed away and left a few cars on their property that don’t run. We have no idea where the pink slips are. How can we go about selling them?
In this case the beneficiary can do the title transfer or sell the vehicles using ADM227
Hello Etags I just want to make sure I understand the process. My father in law passed away and we do not have the title. The car is not in probate. So my wife (his daughter) would fill out the form adm227. We get it Notarized. We want to sell it so do we have the buyer fill out the transfer section on the form? I assume I need his death certificate?
REG 227 is for a title replacement but can only be requested by the owner, which in your case is deceased. But REG 5 can be used to transfer ownership of the vehicle when the registered owner of the vehicle is deceased.
My mother died in 2021 in California. She had a trust and my sister and I inherited everything 50/50. I was the executor and I was clueless about transferring the title out of my mom’s name, so it sat there in her garage for about a year, after which my sister said she would take it. That was about a year ago and I’ve just discovered she never registered it in her name.
It looks like there are limits on the time in which you can transfer an inherited vehicle out of deceased person’s name…can you advise?
Transfer without probate requires 40 days before you can transfer a vehicle. so, you are well beyond that requirement. The DMV requires you transfer a vehicle within 30 days to avoid a transfer penalty of $15.00. If the vehicle is named on the title as the trust, the trustee will need to sign the title to release interest. If the vehicle is in the deceased name only a Reg 5 transfer without probate form, An original or certified copy of the death certificate and a statement of facts for use tax and smog waiver is required.
My brother, who lived in California, recently died. I live in NY and am his only heir and it is a small estate so not going through probate. I don’t need the car- so I want to sell his car in California. I have a friend who is helping me with this since I am not in the state and he I was told by the AAA in California that I could not use the DMV’s transfer without probate affidavit form because I live outside of the state of California so I can’t have title transferred to me as a non resident. What can I do here? Can we sell the car to a friend who is a California resident and thereby transfer title to him? Not sure how to proceed. Can you guys help? Thank you!
If the vehicle is titled in CA a Reg 5 transfer without probate form is the proper form. You just must wait 40 days after death.
An original Death certificate is required. Etags can assist with this as long as it’s CA title.
My father (in Illinois) wants to transfer his car title to me (in California). However my deceased mothers name is still on the title. I have a copy of her death certificate and he has signed the title over. What else will I need?
Is the title designate with an “and” or “or” between your mom and dad? If it’s an OR eTags can help. Since this in an out -of-state title transfer, you need a smog check, vin verification and title transfer/registration in CA.
My sister and father co-own the car that I drive. The car is already paid off. My father is already deceased and I want the title to be transferred to my name.
Is the title designate with an “and” or “or” between your sister and father? If it’s an AND you may need legal advice to confirm ownership(will/probate). But if it’s an OR, your sister can assign you the title and you in turn can get a title transfer plus registration online.
Hello, I am the trustee for my husband’s grandmother who passed away recently. In her trust she left her car to her granddaughter as a gift. But the car isn’t paid off. Who pays the remaining balance the Estate or the grandaughter?
This involves some legalities and you must confirm ownership. Your lien holder is still technically the owner of the vehicle. You should contact them for how to proceed and options. You may even have to get a new lien.
My husband died in September of 2022 in California. I currently reside in Oregon. He didn’t have a will/trust and I’ve subsequently been named administrator of the estate during probate.
Naively, I towed the vehicle from his house in CA to my current residence in Oregon thinking I had sufficient documentation to get an Oregon title, only to find that I can do nothing without the CA title. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to locate the vehicle title. To complicate matters further, I also have not been able to locate my deceased husband’s driver’s license (his wallet has not been found).
What are my options? Can I file for replacement title as administrator of the estate? Do I have to travel to CA to complete the process? Thanks for any direction/insight you can provide.
Hi there,
Yes, you can apply for the title in CA online with eTags. You’ll need this first before doing anything with the vehicle in Oregon. Here’s the link to place an order. Please make sure you have the death certificate and/or any paperwork that names you administrator of the estate.Good luck!
I bought a car about a year ago, but I never got the title. I don’t have the owner’s death certificate and am having issues getting a hold of the relatives. What can I do to get the title? I have the previous owner’s registration, the VIN, but that’s all.
If you have a bill of sale, you can request a title transfer with eTags online.
Car is not listed on my grandpa’s trust. He signed a car loan for me and since I’ve been paying every month and only driver of car. Grandpa passed but my grandma signed a document Affidavit to lender with grampas death certificate that she authorized me to assume the loan 2 years ago. Lender dropped the ball, and did not get the loan assumed over to me. Now my grandma passed and the executor will not sign the Assumption letter because she doesn’t like me. What can I do?
I would contact the lender and see what records they have. Unfortunately, if you can’t sort it out with the lender, you may have to take a legal route. Hopefully, you have the paper trail between your grandparents. You might need it!
Dear eTags Support,
My great aunt (grandfather’s sister) passed away a bit more than two years ago. My grandfather, who was the executor of her estate, gave me her car as there were no instructions in her will on what to do with it (there is no lien on it).
I have a copy of the Pennsylvania Title which was signed over to me by my grandfather as the seller (signed as “his name” – executor) and notarized at a AAA in Pennsylvania. The car has now been sitting in my garage for about two years in California and I wish to get it registered.
What would I need to get a California title for this vehicle and register it in my name? Would this be a process I could do through your website?
Hello there! It sounds like you already have most of what you need to start the process. The title has been signed over to you. A copy of the will and/or death certificate will be required. Get started today by placing an order with eTags for title transfer.
I am executor of my father’s will that states all assets are to be divided between my brother and I. Can I transfer the deed to my father’s car to both of us or do I have to sell the car in order to split it?
You can apply for a title transfer and place joint ownership on the car. Your Co-owner names will be joined by “and”, or “or”. The “and” means when it’s time to sell the car, both must agree and assign ownership to buyer. “Or” only one of may sell, essentially you don’t need both signatures. You can apply for a title transfer online with eTags.
We are successor authorities to an estate that has a 1929 Packard. We do not have the title or registration. How can we register this vehicle or find out who owned it . The DMV states that the record is too old for them to search.
Hello there, eTags can can process this transaction online. We would need any original paperwork, bill of sale, Reg 256( stating no liens, how they got it, where did it come from, where it has been), Vin Verification, and Reg 343.
Who needs to sign the Reg 5 form for the transfer to take place.
Hello! The REG 5 needs to be signed by the next of kin.
Hello. So my father
Passed away two years ago. He left the car
To my daughter
In his will. I was
The impression that
I had
To pay off the balance
The car before transferring
Title to my daughter. Am I
Wrong? And can o still do this even though it’s been two years? I’m lost as
I need to do. Please advise. Thank you
Hey there, so since you still have a lien on it you’ll have to contact your lienholder (bank or financial institution that holds the loan), they will have to make the decision about whether they can transfer the title into your daughter’s name. It depends on several factors. Have a copy of the will in hand in case they need proof.
My mother had a living trust and past away Feb 2023. Back on November of 2022 she purchased a vehicle for my husband and put it in her name because we were in the middle of separation. The title wasn’t supposed to be transferred until March 2023 once the insurance lapsed. Unfortunately my mother in law passed away unexpectedly before the transfer. The vehicle isnt in the trust but my sister in law is the trustee successor and the trust is to be 50 50 with her and my husband. My husband has text in January my mother in law stating to transfer it into his name. What do we do with the vehicle and the title the car is currently in the shop and has been prior to my mother in law passing. We are in California the only thing in the trust is 5 accounts and the house not the vehicles.
Hello there! If the vehicle isn’t stated in the trust then it’s not part of the trust. This would be considered a transfer without probate to be done by the next of kin. Once you determine who can sign for the deceased, that person will need to complete a “Reg 5” which is the form required. I hope this helps!
I am the executive for a small esttatein CA that is not going through probate. A vehicle , currently registered in California, 2006 auto was left by the decedent to Person A. I made contact with person A and told them I needed to wait 40 days to do the transfer which would be February 1st. I have tried multiple times to contact person A to make arrangements to sign over the title and calls and emails are not returned. What do I do???
I am considered the beneficiary/trustee for my parents’ trust. How do I know if I need to go through probate? If I am listed as the trustee upon their deaths, can’t I just take ownership of their assets without going through probate?
Hi there! Thank you for your question. Typically, if there are no other beneficiaries named and no one else to distribute assets too, you don’t need to go through probate. A lawyer would better be able to confirm this information
When you say “…considered the beneficiary/trustee…” I’m assuming you have it in writing on the Trust Certification page(s). If so, add up the value of all assets except: assets already in the Trust, Life Insurance payouts, motor vehicles, or any other item (land, bank accounts ,etc) where the title or account was held jointly with a person who is still alive. If the total of all the assets you added up is less than $166,250, you are not required to go through probate. Fill out the Reg 5 form above and take it into the DMV.
My husband passed November 2022, still waiting on Death Certificate. The certificate of title of the car is only in his name. I don’t need two cars. I would like to sell the car to my in laws who live in Houston TX and have it shipped to them. How would this process work? Do i need to transfer the car to me than do a bill of sale to them. Since they are out of state how would we do the bill of sale?
Thank you for your question. After you get the death certificate, you may not need to transfer it to yourself first. If you’re listed as the surviving spouse or informant on the death certificate and there’s no will or other beneficiaries, you should be able to sign the title over as next of kin.
Hello. My wife and I are guardians of our daughter’s best friend, whose parents both died within a few months of each other. The mother owned a car that is registered to her, and there is no probate. We want to transfer title to the daughter, and I think we can do so using an affidavit for transfer without probate. Is that right? If so, can we just mail it in to the DMV? What else do we need to include with it? Thanks, in advance, for your help!
Yes! You can use CA form REG5. You’ll also need to provide the death certificate. We would need to know how old she is, and if you have a title, If she’s a minor, the minor must have a driver’s license, if not, an adult must accompany the unlicensed minor as an owner. I wouldn’t recommend mailing anything to the DMV without a proper request either in person or through a company like eTags. If you’d like our help, place an order for a title transfer here.
My husband died unexpectedly July 22, 2022. His name is listed as the registered owner on the State of California Certificate of Title. I have two questions. Should I follow the steps for Inherited Vehicle Title: Transfer Car of Deceased Person in California? We have a Trust and 2 wills. Must we go to probate?
Probate is typically necessary when the court is involved. If your will/trust has all the clear instructions you probably don’t need probate. In a probate case, an executor or an administrator is appointed by the court as a personal representative to collect the assets, pay the debts and expenses, and then distribute the remainder of the estate to the beneficiaries. eTags can help to complete this transaction! Place an order using this link! Shoot me an email to let me know how I can help! sara@etags.com
My grandson died intestate in the state of Utah. He just purchased a car for $47,000.00 three months before he died. I gave him the money as a gift. From what I have learned, it is best to transfer title to me in Utah. The only cost is $6.00. I now want to license the car in my name in California.
How can I avoid paying sales tax on the transfer?
Hello there!
If you’re getting a vehicle transferred due to a death, you won’t pay taxes on it if you’re the transfer-on-death beneficiary. Inheritance is considered an involuntary transfer, so not subject to tax. But you’ll have to provide an affidavit for transfer without probate along with more forms. If it’s an out-of-state vehicle, you’ll have to first transfer it to the state of origin before getting a California registration for it. The use tax exemption may not apply if the vehicle is considered a trust transfer. I hope this information is helpful. If you’re in need of eTags help, please place an order on our website.
Here is a unique situation, I think. I am a resident of CA and my brother passed a month ago. He was a resident of Maine and had a vehicle title/registered in Maine. I am the PR for the estate and have inherited this vehicle. I am shipping this vehicle to CA. I have the title, what else do I need to register the car in CA? Some said for me to register the vehicle in my name in Maine, but they don’t issue a title/registration to people who are not a resident of Maine. Vehicle goes on a truck to CA in two weeks… so, words of wisdom greatly appreciated!
Since the vehicle is currently NOT TITLED in California, you’ll first need to transfer to yourself in the STATE the vehicle is titled in, and then in California. You won’t be able to register the vehicle in Maine but you should be able to title it. Then you’ll be able to make your transfer to CA. I hope this helps!
I am the widow. My husband passed away 3 years ago and he had loan balance for his car. I continued to pay the rest of the loan. I now just received the title of the car under my late husband name. How do I transfer the car title to my name . I am living in California.
Thank you for your question. If the vehicle is currently TITLED in California, the transfer can be done from your husband to you. A death certificate, and/or trust document will be requested. I see that you’ve already placed an order on our site. Please log in and provide the additional requested information. Thanks, I hope this helps.
How can I transfer a vehicle from California to Oregon after the person is deceased and the will is not legally documented or notarized in California and a probate has not yet been filed for the deceased persons house and property I’m the next of kin to the person
Hello! Thank you for your question. This might be a question for the DMV in Oregon, but you might not be able to transfer until probate has been filed. In some states, the death certificate showing you as the informant may be enough. Your best bet is to reach out to Oregon DMV to find out what the guidelines are.
Hello, I’m the named trustee for my parents’ estate in CA – we are not going through probate, however I need to transfer the vehicles to 1. a grandson and 2. a grand daughter’s husband. The individuals were not listed in the trust, but I know these were my parents’ wishes. I live in TX. I’m told I have to transfer the titles/registration to myself first (as trustee) and then to the individuals. It isn’t clear from the DMV if I need to do this in two steps or if it can be done all at once? I also live outside of the state, so I don’t have a CA address. Do you offer services to help in this situation?
Hello! Thank you for your question.
If the vehicle is currently TITLED in California, the transfer can be done from the deceased registered owner (s) to the granddaughter’s husband. Death certificates and trust documents will be requested.
If the vehicle is currently NOT TITLED in California, the trustee will first need to transfer in the STATE the vehicle is titled in, and then to the granddaughter’s husband.
eTags is able to assist with the transaction in California at this time- Visit our website to place an order for title transfer! I hope this helps!
I have a vehicle that was gifted to me by my dad, which was gifted to him by my aunt. They are both deceased now and someone stole the registration and title. I have death certs of both dad and aunt.how do i get it pit in my name?
Assuming that the title is still in your Aunt’s name, whoever is listed as her surviving spouse or informant will need to apply for the title for it to be transferred. Once they receive the title, they can sign it over to you. I hope this helps.
My husband’s parents both passed away without a will. They lived in Nevada. Their estate is in Nevada probate court. My husband was appointed co-administrator of the estate. We live in California. He petitioned the court to purchase his parent’s car which was approved by the court. There is a lienholder on the vehicle which has agreed to let us assume the loan and transfer the title. Question is how do we transfer the title to my husband as new owner on a vehicle registered in Nevada? Getting conflicting information from both states DMV offices. We want to register the car in California where we reside.
You would need to transfer the vehicle into your name in Nevada. Begin with the lienholder, and get the loan transferred over. Once the title is in your name then you can do a title transfer and register the car in California. In order to do this, you’ll need the title (in your name), insurance, and your license to start. Once you have these primary documents, feel free to visit our website and place an order for title transfer.
Can I transfer title if 40 years have passed since the deceased left me the car?
Hi there! The short answer is yes! However, consider a few variables. If the vehicle has been sitting and the registration has not been paid every year, this is considered an abandoned registration in California. In this case, you’ll need to visit DMV in person to complete the transaction. Make sure to bring all pertinent paperwork like the death certificate or any probate information showing you’re the rightful owner. If you’ve been paying the registration fees each year, we can help you transfer the title online with eTags! You’ll still need the same paperwork (title, death certificate or probate information, ID, and possibly a smog inspection to start) but you’ll submit it all online. Our company will transfer the title and provide you with a new registration! Please let me know if you need any assistance getting this completed!
How can I do a title transfer from out of state from AZ to ca if the person is deceased and died in az and I’m next of kin
Hi! Thank you for your comment! In order to transfer the title to California, you’ll need a few documents.
1. The title for the vehicle
2. Your driver’s license
3. Vehicle insurance
4. The death certificate for the owner (that shows you’re the informant)
5. A completed REG 343 or VIN verification
That’s what you need to start off! If you’ve got these basics, head over to http://www.etags.com/app/us?utm_source=blog_question and place an order to “transfer your title” We’re happy to help!
I would like to know how I go about this situation. When my husband and I purchased our car back in 2016 his uncle was the main one listed on the title but we were making the payments to him and is fully paid off since July 2022. We never had the opportunity to transfer the title to mine or my husband’s name. Late February he suddenly passed away and he has no will. I’m assuming it is automatically left to his wife. His wife does not and never has had a driver’s license. What is the process of her transferring the car to myself or my husband as a gift? As the car is technically ours because we paid it off we just needed his uncle to sign off the car for us since our credit was not good back then.
Your uncle’s wife will need to sign over the title on his behalf as a git and then you’ll complete the REG 5 form. Here’s the link to begin the process once the title’s been properly signed over. Good luck!
My brother in law recently passed, he was making car payments and still had about 3 years left, we don’t know if we should contact the finance company or continue making the regular payments, because we’re not sure what they will want to since they are still the owners, we’ve been told different things by different people. Is it better if possible to payoff the car. My mother in law is his next of kin, no probate required, what do you suggest we do? Also if can it be transferred to her or myself as I am her caregiver, and driver so I would need to add vehicle to auto insurance. Please advise
I’m sorry to hear about your brother in law. Its always best to change the lien over to the new register owner, you would need to contact the finance company and do a change of name on the lien (Title transfer), once that is completed the vehicle would be under her or have it under both names (caregiver). This would be best just in case something happens and ownership need to be provided you would not have any issue.