Hello and welcome back after the long weekend. We hope you had a wonderful extra day off, one that was meaningful and commemorative of the late, great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Here at eTags, we once had a dream too: a dream of making all title and tag transactions something simple, straightforward, and quick. A task folks could get done online instead in line. Clearly, we’re living the dream!
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And you know what, it’s also a dream for us to present this ongoing series here. Our Florida Specialty Plate Spotlight series is one of our favorite things after helping out people with title transfers and duplicates as well as with new and renewed registrations.
Why do we love this series so much? Well, if you’ve been visiting us here on the blog for a bit, you know this answer.
If this is your first foray to our spotlight series, let us introduce you properly.
The state of Florida runs a Specialty Plate program. This program is one that offers vehicle owners over one hundred different tags to choose from. In addition to the standard Florida license plate that comes with any new registration, these alternative plates each feature a different design and motif.
The themes range from sports teams to first responders, from golf enthusiasm to military branches, from arts to entertainment, from health awareness to Walt Disney World. As you can see, the variety is plenty and vast.
But Florida Specialty Plates are not just about the look or the flair.
They’re not just about expressing yourself or sharing with the world a piece of your passion, or your latest obsession. We like to say: the Specialty Plate is more than just a pretty face.
You see, behind every Specialty Plate lies a cause. Each design, each theme represents a foundation or organization that directly benefits from the sale of the tag associated with it. So, for example, if you happened to be passionate about saving the dolphins (we know, they are so cute) and decided to purchase Florida’s Save the Dolphin plate, then the proceeds from your acquiring the tag would go to different aspects of dolphin conservation. Your money would fund things like research, rescue, education, and other efforts to help our dolphin friends.
And it’s just like this for all the Specialty Plates. Buy a military plate, support the military and its outreach programs. Get yourself an arts tag, see your money support arts curriculums in schools. Upgrade to a wildflower plate, know that your support is going to cultivate and conserve Florida’s wildflowers and relevant ecosystems.
So we think you can see why we love this program so much. Each purchase is helping someone or something achieve a dream. And it requires verrrry little effort on your part.
Take today’s featured plate: Wildlife Foundation of Florida.
This plate represents and is directly connected to the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida. Founded in 1994, the Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to protect Florida’s plants and animals, as well as the lands and waters in which they reside.
Closely connected to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Foundation has managed to raise and donate almost $100 million for both conservation efforts and outdoor recreation programs, including outdoor education for Florida’s youth.
The Foundation counts on its many partners for support and collaboration.
In addition to the citizens of Florida, of course, these partners include:
- The Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- The Florida Department of Health
- Florida State Parks
- American Sportfishing Association
- The Florida Aquarium
- Sea to Shore Alliance
- The Nature Conservancy
- National Wild Turkey Foundation
- Defenders of Wildlife
Because Florida is home to an extremely diverse array of flora and fauna, the Foundation has its hands in many, many different pots. With thousands of different species of both sea and land creatures to attend to, the Wildlife Florida Foundation applies itself to tasks such as:
- Conservation and breeding
- Funding bear-proof garbage cans for communities and families
- Panther rehabilitation
- Research and restoration of Florida’s freshwater springs
- Reef restoration
- Combatting invasive species
- Funding emergency response during crises
You get the idea here, right?
The Foundation is working to make life bigger, better, and brighter for all species and habitats across the state of Florida. So if this is something you dig, then mayhap this Specialty Plate is the one for you!
Now, how do you go about getting your hands on one of these charity-channels? Well, it’s easy with eTags. (Should that be our new motto, by the by?). Here’s how:
At any time during your registration period, you can opt for a Specialty Plate.
You don’t have to be registering a vehicle for the first time to upgrade to a cool tag. And you don’t have to wait for your registration renewal period either. Yep, this means that you have the absolute freedom to move on up to a Specialty Plate and any time. Like, whenever your heart desires. Really!
The process is quick and simple. Just head over to our handy-dandy site and choose Florida as your state from the drop-down menu. You will then choose either Renew + Specialty and/or Personalized Plate (if you are indeed renewing your current registration) or Get Specialty and/or Personalized Plate.
Wait, wait. Personalized? Yes, friends, personalized. Because you can also choose to personalize a Specialty Plate. You can get creative, coming up with just about any letter and number combination you want. As long as the DMV approves of your choice, you are all set to sport that Personalized Specialty Plate!
Our site will lead you through a few easy prompts, and then bam! Your plate will be ordered and shortly on its way to you. And this all means that your registration tag flair will be benefiting so many different species and their homes. It’s a total win-win. And on the heels of MLK day, we’d like to think it’s a nice way of making a dream come true.
Of course, if you need any sort of title and tag assistance, whether is Specialty Plates or something else, feel free to reach out to us at any time. Because as always, at eTags, we’re here to help!