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Use eTags© to Quickly Complete Your DMV Service. Renewals, Title Transfers and More, All Online!
We field a lot of questions here at eTags on a daily basis. We get queries about procedures and processes regarding titles and tags. We get asked things about registration renewals and adding names to certificate of titles. Folks want to know about Specialty Plates and whether they can personalize a tag. People are curious about a how things work and how we can help.
Well, when it comes to titles and tags, the answer is Yes, we can help.
It’s what we do, what we love to do, and what we’re here to make happen. No, we are not the DMV. Rather, we are adjacent to the DMV, meaning that we work closely with this branch of public service in any state where our offices are present.
What sets us apart from your local Department of Motor Vehicles (in some states, the BMV, the MVA, or the FLHSMV) is how we interact with our valued clients. You see, instead of making appointments and taking a number and waiting in line at a local branch, we can help you get your title and tag work done online. Online instead of in line, we like to say.
So, we thought we’d go over some of our most frequently asked questions when it comes to what eTags can offer the public. Ready? Here goes:
Is eTags Legitimate?
Yes. We are DMV approved in all states where we operate. We do not replace your local Motor Vehicle office, nor are we a part of their establishment, but we can facilitate many of the same transactions in the realm of titles and tags that the DMV does.
Can eTags Help Me Transfer My Title Online?
We sure can. If you’ve bought, sold, inherited, or were gifted a vehicle and need to change ownership, we can help you transfer the certificate of title to your name. The process is done entirely online without ever having to visit an office in person.
Can I Add a Name or Remove a Name from a Title via eTags Online?
Yep. Adding and/or removing a name from a jointly owned certificate of title is easier than it sounds. Much like a standard title transfer, the addition and removal of a co-owner is a straightforward procedure that we can facilitate via our website. No muss, no fuss.
Is it Possible to Obtain New Registration (License Plates) Online with eTags?
It sure is. Getting new tags is a quick and easy process at eTags.com. Like all of our services, you simply follow the step-by-step prompts, fill in the necessary information, and you can have your new plates ordered in no time at all.
What about Specialty Plates? Can eTags Provide Those?
We can! If your state of residence makes Specialty tags available, we can help you get your hands on your favorite design. In Florida, for example, we are able to offer over one hundred different themes of Specialty Plates from the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle (FLHSMV) offices.
Can eTags Personalize a New License Plate for Me?
Yes, if your state of residence allows it, we can get your unique alpha numeric combination listed on your new tag. As long as the DMV approves of your choice (they are the last word on this subject, by the way), we can absolutely get your personalization done.
My Registration is About to Expire: Can eTags Help Me Renew?
Yep! We facilitate hundreds of registration renewals every day and can easily and quickly assist with getting your tag and window sticker (depending on if your state issues window stickers) up to date.
I Lost My Title: Can eTags Help Get Me a New Title?
You’ve come to the right place, friend. We are happy to get you a new title. Depending on your state of residence, the new document will be called either a Duplicate or a Replacement. Either way, we can get it done for you.
My License Plate Has Been Damaged: Can I Get a Replacement at eTags?
Absolutely. A license plate that has been damaged, lost, or stolen can be replaced with us at eTags.com with no hassle at all. And if your state allows it, you will be given an electronic registration (an actual eTag) to download while you await your physical plate.
How Do I Know Which Services You Offer in My State?
Here at eTags we currently have the honor of serving folks in six states across the country. Those territories are: New York, California, Florida, Maryland, Connecticut, and Ohio. Our reach varies from state to state, so the easiest way to find out how we can help you is to head over to our homepage. From the Select Your State menu, choose your residence, and you will immediately see which services we provide in your area.
eTags is Not in My State Yet…Will You Be Operating Here at Some Point?
It is our goal and our mission to be able to help our friends with tags and titles all across the great United States. We are constantly looking to expand and offer our services in new places. If we’re not present in your neck of the woods just yet, know that we’re working on it! Please check back in with us from time to time – you never know when we’ll pop up in your state with a helping hand!