Whether it’s due to divorce, death, or a simple change in the number of owners listed, removing a name from a vehicle title can seem daunting. But we’re here to reassure you of the opposite! Name removal from a certificate of title is actually a lot like a standard title transfer when purchasing a car.
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A few key details will determine the placement of signatures on the title, but the process is otherwise very much a straightforward one. If you’ve read about general title transfers here on the blog at an earlier date, congrats: you’ve gotten a head start. But in case this happens to be your first rodeo with title assignation (a point from which we all begin), we got you. Read on for an easy guide on how to remove a name from your vehicle title.

Depending on what state you call home, you’ll need to gather the usual suspects when it comes to documentation:
- State-issued certificate of title
- Driver’s license of the buyer. The buyer, in this case, refers to the individual whose name will remain on the title
It’s important to note here that the title must be in good condition in order to facilitate any transaction. Meaning, if the title has been damaged or defaced in any way, it cannot be used. So, if the title has a big coffee stain on it, if it has been torn, worn out to the state of illegibility, or if it bears any cross-outs or corrections, it will not be accepted by any DMV. You will need to apply for a replacement/duplicate title from the state DMV, and only then can you proceed. (You can order duplicates with us here, by the way!)
Once you’ve secured your clean title, gather the two owners. Yep, both parties must be present as part of the name removal. Now, the person whose name is to stay on the title as sole owner will be called Seller, and the person whose name is being removed is called Buyer (or Purchaser on some titles). Even if there is no money involved in this transaction, these are the personas the two owners identify with for the purpose of the removal of an owner.
Pro-tip: If your title change will be accompanying a change in registration, be sure to have proof of auto insurance ready in the name of the person who will be the sole owner on the title after the removal!

Ownership types: look for “AND” or “OR”:
Wherever the two owners are listed on the front of the title, the names will be joined by either “AND” or “OR.” This distinction is very important, because it determines which party needs to sign where.
Names separated by “AND” indicates that as a rule, both owners are required to sign before any action is taken with the car title. In the case of name removal, the person looking to be removed from the title will sign as the first SELLER. The person looking to remain/stay on the title will sign as SELLER as well!. But take note: whoever stays on the title as the sole owner also signs as the BUYER. Yep, the new sole owner signs as both Seller and Buyer.
Now, when “OR” is used to join the two co-owners on the front of the title, either party
(rather than both) is authorized to make changes to the title in general. And in this case, only one person needs to sign as the SELLER – the person wanting to be removed – while the remaining owner is the BUYER.
A Handy Example:
Suppose there are siblings – Nancy and Joe – who are both owners of their 2015 Nissan Altima. Nancy decides she’s going to buy a new car, and wants to relinquish co-ownership of the vehicle with her brother. On the title, their names are separated by “AND” so both Nancy AND Joe will sign as sellers. (On some titles, there will be a designation listed as co-seller. That’s where the second seller signs.) Joe will then sign as a BUYER and must secure vehicle insurance in only his name for the car. Joe will take the title, his license and his insurance card to the DMV to complete the transfer.

Clarity is Key:
Signatures on vehicle titles must be written clearly, in pen, and placed in the right spot. The same holds true for the odometer reading and address sections. They must both be recorded clearly and accurately. Mistakes, cross-outs, or corrections will render the title null and void (defaced) and you will need to order a duplicate (replacement) title before proceeding with the name removal.
Advice on Purchase Price:
If there is no money exchanging hands (which is usually the case with a basic name removal), leave the sale price section on the title – also known as the purchase price – blank, or just fill in “zero.” This will help avoid any unnecessary fees and taxes since the transaction is not an actual sale.
What to do with an Active Lien on the Vehicle:
If a lienholder (car loan lender like a bank) is recorded on the title, it does add an extra element to an otherwise straightforward transaction. Paying off the loan – satisfying the lien – is the simplest way to go about a name removal with a lien. Once the vehicle is paid in full, the lienholder will then provide a lien release notice to submit for the title transfer.

If payments are still owed on the car, most lienholders will not allow you to transfer the title to solely your name. The financial institution servicing your car loan can help you figure out how to best approach a possible name removal.
And there you have them folks: the step by step of name removal from a title. And you know we can lend a hand with this, of course. Head over to our site, choose your state from our drop-down menu, select Title Transfer, and let us get your show on the road. Because as always, at eTags, we’re here to help!
I would like my name off tha title of nissan
Hi – In most states, this is considered a transfer of title same as if you were selling the vehicle. In this case, you would be the “seller” and the other owner would be the “buyer” and you would complete the title as such, with considerations for whether one or both of you are required to sign as the “seller”. Keep in mind that if the vehicle has a lien and your both named on the loan, you would have to go through the lender to get your name removed.
Streamline the process of removing a name from your vehicle title with this concise guide. Understand seller and buyer roles, update insurance, and ensure a smooth transfer of ownership
I sold a motorcycle 2 years ago and we handed over the title signed for it to be changed into the buyers name. Unfortunately they never took the proper steps to change it over. So it is still in our name. We have been getting tolls bills on it now. Is there anything we can do to change this or get it out of our name?
We’re not sure where you reside, but in CA for example you can complete a notice of transfer and release of liability known as an NRL. So that all activities like unpaid tolls, accidents, parking tickets and such won’t be tied to you.
I can’t find my original title and my car is no longer drivable. I just want to donate it for scrap metal, but need to take my name off the title. How do I do that? I tried looking at the California DMV website, but all their info seems to be about transferring a title, not anything about removing a name for a car that is going to be junked/recycled.
Removing a name from a title still involves a title transfer, the person wanting to be removed from the vehicle title is the “seller” and the remaining party on the title is the “buyer.” If you don’t have the title, you must request a duplicate title.
I put my name on a friend’s car so she can drive it back and forth to work it’s her car and she’s got the tile and registration but now we’re not friends any more so I do I get my name off her car what do I have to do to get my name off her car
Typically to remove a name from a title, you’ll need a title transfer. It’s similar to selling/buying a car.
I gave my son my truck but he never had it switched over in his name and he moved out of state how do I get my name removed and I don’t have the title
Not sure where you reside, but if you don’t have the title you can request a duplicate title then sign over the title to him so he can transfer the title and register under his name only
Me and my ex have a card together my name is the one on the title his assigned on the back but I want my name off he lives in Colorado and I live in Las Vegas how can this be done
eTags doesn’t operate in those states, but typically to remove a name from title is the same process as selling the vehicle. So basically it’s like you’re selling it to him and he transfers it into his own name. If the title has both names separated by AND, you both have to take action, if it’s OR only one of you does. But best to verify DMV laws where vehicle was titled.
My daughter and I are co-borrowers on her car loan. She makes all the payments. She recently got married and I want to change the title to her name only and remove my name. The bank still has the title since the car is not paid off. What is the process in Arkansas?
Hello there, eTags doesn’t operate in AK. However, typically to remove or add a name on a title, you must get a title transfer. It’s as if you’re selling her the car. Check out details with the AK DMV.
I also live in Florida. My granddaughter’s car is paid off, but is registered in both our names. How do I have my name removed from the title? She is 20 years old.
You would have to sign over title to her through a title transfer. Essentially, it’s as if you’re selling it to her. You can transfer online thru eTags
I live in Florida. my husband has just passed away and he has a Motorcycle that is titled in just his name. I do have the POA. Can I sell the motorcyle and sign as POA or do I have to go to the DMV and transfer the title to myself.
Typically in FL, if you’re the spouse you don’t have to transfer title to yourself and then sell..you can use the title you have.