Use eTags© to Quickly Complete Your DMV Service. Renewals, Title Transfers and More, All Online!
Getting a DMV tag renewal in Florida can be complicated, time-consuming, and costly. If you don’t have the appropriate documentation, trips to the DMV can be frustrating and an exercise in futility. If your county doesn’t offer reservation times for renewals, in-person walk-in waits can be lengthy.
Below are answers to 8 common questions regarding DMV tag renewal in Florida that may help you in your quest to renew tags with fewer hassles:
Where can I go to renew my tags?
License tags in Florida can be renewed several ways. You can visit your local Tax Collector’s office if you have the time and means to get there. Some county’s have private companies to operate field offices for license tag renewal and you will likely find less of a wait time going there but there will be an extra fee. You may also renew by mail but this will likely require that you have your renewal notice if you got one. Lastly and usually the most convenient way is to renew online. Depending on which county your vehicle is registered in, there may be up to 3 different websites you can use. is one website that drivers in any Florida county can use, and the only online service allowing you to renew after your expiration window has passed and/or your vehicle registration is expired.
Can I renew my tags with a suspended license?
The simple answer is no. In fact, Section 320.02(12) of the Florida Statutes requires a new registration or re-registration to be withheld on any motor vehicle if either an owner or co-owner of a vehicle has a suspension against their driver license. This is an apparent effort by the State of Florida to ensure traffic citations and other fines are paid regardless of whether it was an owner or co-owner of the vehicle who committed the violation(s).
Any suspension will have to be resolved before you can renew your Florida tags. You can use this state government page to check each vehicle owner’s license for any issues: Click Here to Check Your Driver’s License Status
How much is it to renew your tag?
There are several variables involved in the calculation of Florida tag renewal registration fees including registration use (commercial, business, or private), the license plate type (regular, specialty, or personalized), and the class code of the vehicle which usually has a direct tie to the vehicles weight.
The base registration fee in Florida is determined by weight and the lowest fee is $5 (for a moped) and the highest is $1,300 (for a large semi) annually. To that base fee, an assortment of statutory fees and State Tax Collector fees are add. For an average sedan, a final renewal cost can be in the $47.50 range. Even with all of the statutory fees, Florida has some of the lowest registration fees in the nation.
Florida also has an extremely wide selection of specialty plates. The state charges an additional $20 to $28 per year which goes to the organization the plate promotes. If you want a personalized plate which allows you to have an approved number and/or letter configuration of your choice, that will be an additional $25 per year.
Can I renew Florida tags from another state?
If you are currently out of state, your State of Florida tags can be renewed by mail, given you have received a renewal notice. Florida tag renewal may also be accomplished online which is usually the exist way. However, if you are using the state website, you will be required to change your registered mailing address to the out of state one you wants your tags mailed to. If the out of state address you are at is not a permanent location and you do not want to update your DMV mailing address, you can use our eTags registration renewal service to get the tags mailed out to where you are without having to change your DMV mailing address.
When do I have to renew my tags?
Florida license tags can be renewed up to three months prior to expiration. There is no grace period for the renewal of license tags in the State of Florida. This means tags will expire at midnight on the expiration date listed on the registration card. You can get an expired tags ticket (costing between $120 to $150 on average) the day after the listed expiration date on the registration card.
If registered in the name of person, the expiration date is the first listed owner’s birthday. If registered to a business, the expiration date will be the the same month and day it was first registered. Beyond that, there are other factors that may effect the expiration date including the vehicles weight. As an example, regardless of whether the vehicle is registered to a person or business, the expire date of a vehicle over 5,000 pounds will be December 31st.
How long do you have to renew your tags?
Since there is no grace period for tag expiration in Florida, tags must be renewed by midnight of the date listed on the registration card. If there are co-owners, the first person listed on the registration’s birth date is used. If you renew after your tags expire, you may be assessed a late fee in addition to the regular registration. This amount ranges from $5 to %$250 depending on how long the tags have been expired and the vehicles weight. In Florida, license plates for standard vehicles can be renewed for a period of one or two years.
Can you renew your tags online?
Yes, Florida license tags may be conveniently renewed online. Tag renewal online is secure and convenient. There is a convenience fee associated when you renew tags online with eTags or with GoRenew but that fee is usually easily offset by the time, fuel, and frustration savings associated with renewal in person. Or, at least, we think so.
What do I need to renew my car registration?
You will need your current registration renewal notice or registration card, proof of auto insurance, and payment in the form of check or credit cards. If you are renewing in person, you may also be asked for an ID.
You can avoid the long lines and frustration of tag renewal at the Florida DMV when you renew your vehicle’s registration online. We are a convenient and secure way to renew not only your Florida tags but we offer an expanding range of online services including state vehicle records, drivers license information, DMV records, and even auto insurance quotes.
No, really. Renew your tags online!
What is usually the difference in speed of the process online vs in person??
Hi Maria,
Registration renewal typically happen faster online since we have control of the shipping speed. If you place an order today, depending on the shipping option you choose at checkout, we could have your registration to you overnight! If you choose a regular shipping speed, you should have your registration within 3-5 business days. We conveniently offer a digital copy to hold on to while you wait for your sticker in the mail! I hope this helps!
Do different states have different regulations on when you can renew your tags?
Yes, different states have different timelines or “renewal periods” regarding how early you can renew your registration. In Florida, you can renew up to 90 days ahead of expiration
I just bought my first car, what can I do with my labels?
Can you please give me some information, I’m new to all of this.
Hi Thalia! Are you referring to the little yellow decal that came with your registration? This would go on the license plate in the top right corner. I hope this helps
Can I renew tags a year early?
Unfortunately no, you are able to renew 90 days prior to the renewal expiration date
My registration is due in November and I am currently leasing a car. I will be turning the car in in November and will not be getting another vehicle. What do I do about the November registration?
If you don’t plan on getting another car you are good to go. It’s a lease vehicle so the dealership would likely turn in those plates, but you should just confirm w/ the dealership first on if they will surrender the plates.
I have 2 cars registered in my name. I own one and am leasing the other- why do they have different fee amounts on the website?
A registration fee for a leased vehicle is usually higher than a vehicle that’s owned. Our site provides an estimate total.
I have 2 cars registered in my name. One I own which is registered to my parents address and the other is leased and is registered to my current residential address. I have not received any renewal notice for either car- what would be the reason?
Renewal notices are sent by the DMV or tax collector’s office as a courtesy. Perhaps contact your local DMV to know more.
I just bought a new license plate online when I did my registration renewal. Will the new plate be mailed to me?
New license plates are shipped by USPS First Class Mail and typically take 4-7 business days to arrive. For more detailed information regarding your specific shipment, please contact the vendor you purchased from by phone or via their website.
My tag Registration Renewal last year was $33.60 and this year came for $75.60 for the same car. The fees chart on FLHSMV shows $32.50 for my kind of car. Any idea why the increase?
You may contact the FL DMV for more details about your payment.
My husbands suv Chevy 2019 equinox tag renewal was $37.00 . My 2019 Hyundai Elantra sedan was $47.00. Why? His vehicle cost a lot more than mine and weighs a lot more than mine.
Hi Linda,
Without seeing the registrations it’s hard to know. However you’re fees are based on a lot of factors like registration use, body type, vehicle type and license plate type.
Renewing tag that has been expired for four months, how much of a late fee should I expect to pay?
If you renew after your tags expire, you may be assessed a late fee in addition to the regular registration. This amount ranges from $5 to $250 depending on how long the tags have been expired and the vehicles weight. In Florida, license plates for standard vehicles can be renewed for a period of one or two years
I live in Florida. My birthday is in August. I am turning in my leased vehicle the end of September. I am not keeping the leased car, I am turning it in bc I have two cars. I have the leased car and I own a car. I just paid the registration/tag renewal fees for both cars because I had to due to my birthday month. I do plan on buying another car cash within the next few months. Is it true that the tag belong to the dealer and the registration fees I just paid on my birthday is flushed down the drain OR will I save money on the tag and registration for the car I plan to buy outright cash?
The tag on the leased vehicle does not belong to the dealer. However, if you transfer a tag from the leased vehicle to a purchased vehicle, you will be responsible for paying the $225 initial registration fee owed to the state.
What happens if i transfer the tag from one lease vehicle to another, lease vehicle instead of a purchased vehicle. Do i have to pay the paying the $225 initial registration fee or any other fees.
If it’s from leased vehicle to leased vehicle, no initial payment of $225
I have an ex as a cosigner on my car. She has recently had her car impounded. DMV won’t allow me to renew my tag because of the lien on her car. I’ve reached out to the tow company that has the lien and even offered to pay the lien off. The tow company won’t allow me to pay the lien because they say my name isn’t on that car. I’m no longer in contact with the ex. Is there anything I can do? I’m in Florida.
Contact the DMV about your options to separate ownership of your vehicle and hers or contact your bank about removing her as a co-signer on your loan.
Helo, my my lease was due this month, so i turned my vehicle in. I am planning to purchase another vehicle around end of November, and i have my license plate and registration (registration ends in October) what do i need to do in order to keep my license plate until my next vehicle? Also can i cancel the insurance on the vehicle? This is the first time i will go so long without a car.
When you purchase or lease the new vehicle later this year, you will want to bring both the existing license plate and registration to the dealership who will transfer the tag to the new vehicle. (This will save you $225.00 in DMV fees for the new vehicle.) If you purchase the vehicle privately, you can transfer the plate yourself at your local DMV office. (Along with the license plate and registration, you will want to take a bill of sale and title.)
Now that the leased vehicle has been been turned in, you will want to cancel the insurance policy for that vehicle as soon as possible to save money.
Now that I have moved to Florida how long do I have to register my tags to my new state and can this be done over the internet?
As a new Florida resident, you must obtain a valid Florida driver license within 30 days of establishing residency to drive on Florida roads. In addition, you must obtain insurance from a Florida insurance agent that is licensed to sell insurance in Florida in order to title and register your vehicle(s), vessel(s), and mobile home(s) within 10 days of establishing residency. To register your vehicle, you can go to
My husband (Military Active Duty) bought a used car in Virginia 92017), he is also a FL resident and have a FL driver’s license. He is now stationed in Massachusetts, is he able to transfer registration and have car registered in FL. Can this be done online and what documents are required to make this happen? The car is financed through USAA.
Considering the vehicle is currently financed, we will need to request the title from USAA. We will instruct you on how to complete the request process once the order is placed. However, before we can do so, we will require you to submit images of your husband’s driver’s license, military orders, registration & bill of sale as proof of ownership and proof of insurance. When placing the order on etags at, the service type selected should be “Moving to Florida”.
I’m an international student and I purchased my car in Florida because it is where my relatives live. At the moment I live in South Carolina because I go to school there but in some months I’ll move to another state.
I’m not able to renew my vehicle registration because I need to provide a Florida insurance information in order to do it which I don’t have because I live in SC.
Would it be possible to renew my vehicle registration by transferring my SC insurance to Florida by providing my relatives address?
I will move to another state in 3 months which is why I don’t want to get a new SC registration.
In order to prove Florida residency you will have to show your name along with a Florida address on a utility bill or some other “official” mail. (Having relatives in Florida does not in itself establish residency.) 2) insurance always has to match the State the vehicle is registered in.
Can I renew my tags online, even if they have expired?I’m trying to avoid the office because of COVID.
yes, you can. just go to and renew your registration online.
I owe money to toll by plate. But there is no registration hold on my tag. Im in the market to purchase a cash car , will i be able to transfer my tag to new car with balance still owed even though no registration hold is on it?
You should be able to transfer your license plate as long as the registration hold is not placed on your license plate number.
I just realized that the vehicle I purchased from a private sale has an expired registration. The registration expired in June and it is now July. Can I still get the vehicle registered in my name, will I have to pay fines because the previous owner did not renew?
Also, the seller was elderly and had me fill in all the information on the title (my name, address, price, odometer info, etc) the only part they did was sign and print their name. Will this be a problem when I go to transfer the title over to my name? I am just now realizing that the area says “seller fill in”
In order for the vehicle to be registered in the new owner’s name, they would need to transfer the title as well. You can go to and select Title Transfer/Registration. If you have a tag in your name that you want to transfer, that can be indicated on the application. No, there will not be any fines because the tags expired recently.
As long as the previous owner prints and dates the title where it indicates for them to do so, the new owner can complete the rest of the title.
I have two cars to renew for registration one car i only renewed for one year and another car I did for 2 years but they mixed them up when they sent the registration is there anything i can do?
Try contacting the FL DMV directly.
I am currently leasing a car. The lease term expires in November and I plan on leasing the next vehicle as well, but my registration expires in July. Can I get a registration for less than a year so I don’t have to pay for two registrations in the same year, or can I transfer the registration to the new leased car? Thanks!
You cannot register for less than a year, and if you’re the same plate that was registered you should be able to transfer the value.
if i am leasing with another company and will be getting a new license plate will i still be able to transfer the value of the registration since the car will be in the same person’s name. I will be renewing my registration for 1 year but i am turning in my leased car 2 months later. I will be getting a new leased car, will i be able to transfer the remaining value of the registration to the new leased car. it is a new leasing company and i will most likely have a different license plate.
You can transfer the plate to your new leased vehicle and with this transfer the remaining value to the new leased car.
Is there a way to block my ex from re registering a car in my name during renewal..?
If your ex’s name is on the title and registration, you will have to remove his name by completing a transfer into your name only. Visit to do so. If his name is not on the registration, he would not be able to complete the renewal unless he has enough of your information to do so. If he is doing so without your authorization, that would be considered fraudulent and possibly criminal. Seek legal counsel if this is the case.
I have 3 cars in my name, both have records for MDX. I made the payment for 1 car to remove the registration hold on that one since it’s the one I’m driving. To obtain registration, must both cars be removed?
yes, both cars must be removed
Hello, I had a red light violation i did not realize i had so there was a stop on re-registering my vehicle. I have went ahead and paid it online on Friday. Do you know how long it takes for them to process it and clear it so i can renew my tags?
Typically overnight or 24 business hours. You can check the Drivers license at (Reminder, usually it is a good idea to run all the DLs associated with the VIN – both husband’s and wife’s for example as a suspension on either name on registration will block renewal.)
I renewed my registration 11 days past the expiration date. Will there be a fine if the letter reminder said to add penalty after a date that has not passed yet?
From 11 to 60 days late, the late fees are $5.
I’m moving to Florida from Colorado. I owe toll fines in colorado. Do I need to pay the toll fines in Colorado to register the vehicle in Florida?
No, should not be penalized..but there’s a possibility they would place a stop on FL driver’s license after a certain amount of time… it has happeend before with a customer who had their Driver’s license suspended for tickets from Hawaii.
How much is to register a car if your already have a valid tag?
If you are referring to a standard renewal or transferring a plate to another vehicle you already own, only registration fee is due for which the amount is based on the weight of vehicle, the plate type (personalized, specialty), etc. If this is for for a newly acquired vehicle, it would be the title transfer fee ranging from $85 to $120 + plus sales tax if applicable, and the same registration fee based on the weight of the vehicle and plate type.
It is certainly much easier to renew your car registration online. I spent over 90 minutes last week waiting in the DMV just to register my car. Keep in mind that most states require you to show the title of the car, but if you can do everything online, it will greatly speed up the process.
I have 2 cars under my name, both have holds on registration for MDX. I made the payment on 1 car to remove the registration hold on that one since it is the one I am driving. In order to get the registration, do both cars need to have the hold removed?
No, if you only want one tag then both don’t have to be registered. Just make sure that the vehicle you’re renewing is clear from tolls.
Is there something online to check if my tag has a registration hold? Is that something etags provides?
eTags doesn’t prvide that service, but you can try
My tag expires today but I am moving to Tennessee in two weeks. Do I need to renew in Florida and then get a new tag in TN two weeks later?? That seems like a waste of money.
eTags doesn’t operate in Tennessee…but maybe you can renew in FL OR obtain a temp tag in TN. To make sure, call TN DMV find out how to obtain a drive in temp tag
Ordered a Floria personalized license plate 60 days ago, still have not received, who to call?
If you ordered with eTags, you can give us a call at 18886335332. If you didn’t, contact your local tax collectors office
I purchased a vehicle on a friday afternoon, that Sunday I drove a 2 blocks from my condo to just fill it up with gas. I wasn’t able to get plates on the vehicle being it was a weekend and I got pulled over and got a ticket for no license plate. I explain that I just bought the car and I lived just around the block. The officer gave me a ticket and said if I get it all licensed tagged and insured by the court date it will get thrown out. Haven’t been in Florida long and where I’m from the officer would’ve just let me go. Just wondering what the fine would be and if it is a criminal charge? Also if there will be a fine? Thanks
The fine would be what the ticket states
I have a special license plate, if I want to switch back to regular plate , what can I do . Thank you
You’d basically have to give up the rights to this special plate and turn it in. Then order the regular plate.
I am moving soon within Florida (Orlando to Altamonte). The FLHSMV website says I dont need to update my tags until they expire. That makes sense, but what about when I have a change of address?
You can visit (the state’s website ) or your local tax-collector’s office and you may change the address there.
Hello, my vehicle registration expired on November 22, 2019. I just renewed it online and the payment was made. Can I drive the vehicle? If they stop me
Make sure that you receive a confirmation that your registration was processed. Once it is processed and state system has been updated…if a police officer runs your plate they will see that your registration is legally renewed.
My Son’s decal must of fell off he receive a ticket when car was parked. Car is registered how to get a decal I went to renew online and it said no decal
You can apply for replacement registration, choosing “replace tag or registration” service type at
i just moved to Florida with transportation my car from California to Florida, and my car still registered in California. Unfortunately, I lose my title car and waiting for the duplicate title to exchange to Florida’s plate number. However, while I am waiting the title, the etag of California would be expired soon. My question, When I get my tile and to Florida’ dmw to change my plate number, do i have to pay the fine because of California’s etag expired?
No you won’t have to pay the fines of California in Florida.
My brother’s registration is due, and he is out of the state right now. Could I go and renew his registration for him?
I have all the papers, old registration and insurance.
Yes you can.
You can also register online with etags at
For my husband’s car, his dad is the buyer and my husband is the co-buyer. We live in Florida but his dad moved to New Hampshire. When renewing the tags, would we now have to get a NH license plate since the buyer is in a different state or can it still be renewed as a FL car since the co-buyer still lives in state with a valid FL driver’s license?
Yes, your husband can still renew tags in FL
If my license is valid in Florida and suspended in another state can I renew it in fl?
We don’t handle driver’s licenses but you should be able to renew in FL.
I renew my registration and received a new plate with a different # than the one I had before. I haven’t request a new one, why was it changed?
most likely it was a 10 year replacement…every 10 years the tags are mandatorily replaced
I haven’t received my vehicle registration or tags but I paid for it and have screen shot proof that I paid for them online. There’s no email confirmation and it’s been way passed the 7-10 (I ordered it December 10th) business days for me to receive them…what should I do?
Was this order placed with eTags or another provider?
Someone stolen my DECAL/Registration Sticker ( I can see scratch on my plate) though I have valid registration document with me, my question is where to report this and how to o Tain new one? Also, if I get pulled over will I be fined for same?
You can visit a tag agency to get the decal replaced for a reduced price if you have the police report in hand. In the event that you get pulled over, you can simply explain that decal has been stolen but they have a valid registration to prove it. You can also go to and order it online by selecting “replace tag or registration”
hi i just recently moved to florida from arizona and my tags are about to expire. can i still renew it for AZ thru FL DMV or do i have to get a new FL plate? or do i just renew it thru the AZ DMV? i dont have permanent addrss yet so i dont know if im considered a resident yet?
You cannot renew an out of state plate/registration with the Florida DMV. You are considered a permanent resident once you rent/lease or buy a home, start working in FL, or if you or a dependent enroll in school in FL. If any of these are true, you have to get new FL plates. This can be done online with eTags by visiting
Our truck tags are due in December and I renewed them at the start of the month. My husband hadn’t put them on yet and then we traded in the vehicle for a new truck today. I still have the new tags attached to the registration. Is there a chance of getting reimbursed or even getting credit for these to put towards our other vehicle tags?
No, registration credits cannot be transferred but you can transfer the actual plate to the newly owned truck, just inform the dealer and have them transfer the tag
Hi there, my vehicle registration expired on Nov 22,2019. I just renewed it online and payment went trough. Can I drive the vehicle? If I get pulled over, will there be a possibility of getting a fine? I renewed the registration via app. I am new in the country, didn’t realize this had expired
Yes you can get fined for not having an updated sticker.
Hi, how far in advance to a birthday can you get a tag/register a vehicle? Thx
90 days
If I have had a tag in florida before should I have to pay the $225 fee or will there be a record that I have already owned a tag
Depending on how long it has been idle… if it has not been updated since the year 2000 + then no $225 fee is charged
Hi, I’m selling the car and the title will be transferred just before my birthday, I will be getting a replacement car in about a month so I would like to know if I have some sort of grace period to transfer the plate or do I have to surrender the plate inmediately or maybe I have to pay registration of the plate
You can hold onto the plate and transfer it to your new vehicle.
When ordering a new Florida personalized plate the DMV says to send in application no sooner than 90 days and no later than 60. I sent in application end of August for a November plate. I’m sure years ago when I did this, the new plate came already renewed for the following year. But in the last couple of years I’ve had to pay the full renewal amount to order the plate which then came with a new but CURRENT YEAR decal meaning I then had to pay, in full, a second time in November the same year. Is this correct? The angry women at my local tag agency claim it’s always been this way. I say not.
While tax collector’s offices and private tag agencies have state guidelines for processing transactions, they can implement their own processes within those guidelines. We can confirm that, when we process renewals for personalized plates and the plate is up for replacement (usually every 7 to 10 years), the fee to replace the plate, re-confirm the personalization, and renew is completed in one transaction and in one payment.
What do I do if the car is not in my name and the persons name it is in, their licence is suspended and i need to renew the tag?
The person with the suspended license will need to bring their license to good standing before the registration can be renewed.
hello i am active duty military station over seas i have an issue. before i left Florida i surrender my license plate to my local DMV and canceled my registration in February, but for some odd reason my Driver License was still suspended idk why but any recommendation on how to fix this issue. keep in mind i am overseas
eTags doesn’t handle any driver’s license services, we only deal with registration and title transfers.
My first time ever buying a car but it’s from owner and not car dealership and yes the tag is very expired so will it effect me with payment
No it won’t
I have a personalized plate that is not set to renew until March but I would like to get a new personalized plate now. Will I have to treat this as a new registration?
No, just go to your local tag DMV office or tag collectors office, to request the new personalized plate. Additional fees do apply
I am the co-signer for my son’s car. He has defaulted on the loan, and did not keep insurance on the car. His DL and the car registration have been suspended. My name is on the title (“or”) and on the registration (,), but I was never notified of the suspensions. I have taken physical ownership of the car and taken over payments. I just added the vehicle to my auto insurance. I checked status of my DL, and it is valid. If I provide the proof of insurance, will they allow me to register the car, and if so, will they hold me responsible for any re-instatement fee, over and above the registration fee? If they won’t allow this, I have another vehicle that is registered and (storage) insured, as it is inoperable. Can I transfer the tag from that vehicle over to the co-signed?
In order for you to register your vehicle in Florida, your son has to have his driver’s license validated. Or you can transfer the vehicle solely in your name, (title transfer) registering it in your name, so your son’s driver’s license’s status doesn’t affect registration.
Can registration renewals be done online or by mail if it’s a vehicle under the business name or does it need to be renewed online?
With eTags, you can renew your registration online if it’s under the business name.
My lease ends on 1/31/2019 and my registration should be renewed on December. I’m not planing to replace that vehicle. If I renew my registration on Dec, can I obtain a reimburse for almost 11 months that I won”t need it?
No, sorry to say, there won’t be a reimbursement.
Just got a ticket for expired registration for 6 months. Can I still go fix it before my court date?
If you already got a court date, it’s best to handle it in court, in person.
I started a lease in 2018 and transferred my current plate on a 2018 Chevy Traverse. When my next renewal came it was high and they said it was probably due to fees with the lease. Just received this years and it’s $125! Something cant be right! The paperwork shows a Class Code of 9. When I research that says it’s for a Automobile for hire. Is that correct?
Typically, leased vehicles have higher registration fees. The vehicle weight is also calculated into the DMV fees, which is why you may have a higher renewal payment.
I just bought a new car and learned that the state of Florida is sending me a new license plate because it has been 10 years instead of transferring my old plate until new my question is, will it come with a new car registration since I already renew my old plate in November if 2018 for 2 years, expiring in 2020?
Yes, the new plate will come with a new registration and funds will be transferred to new plate/registration.
There are two vehicles in my neighborhood (at the same address) with expired tags. Not sure if the cars are abandoned, non-functioning or what?? How is that issue addressed? Thanks.
If the cars aren’t being driven on the road, then registration is not needed.
What if the vehicle was not driven for 1 year (2019) inoperable but is now fixed and running and I would like to start driving it again at Christmas time which is a little after the renewal is due for 2020. What will I have to pay? 1 year 2020 or both?
You would have to pay this year and last year’s registration plus a $20.00 late penalty fee.
My license expired 4 days ago due to having my birthday. Would I need to reinstate my license first before renewing my registration.
Hello there, you would have to reinstate your license ONLY if there’s a hold on your registration. Verify your VIN number here to see if you have any hold at:
So, its as easy as just doing it online? is there any hidden fees? I would absolutely love doing this online instead of having to stand in that ridiculously long line. I am a mother of a 1 year old and believe me, she doesn’t sit still for very long, and the last time i had to drag her down to the dmv, it was a nightmare. lol, this is so awesome though. I really love how far we have come with technology that we don’t even have to leave the house to renew our tags.
If you’re looking to renew the registration of the vehicle, go to
We also offer the service if you’re registration is more than a month expired, by going to
We do have a service fee $19.95
My tag has been expired for two years can I still renew?
yes you can. go to
and select registration
I have renewed an expired registration on-line but have not received a confirmation email or copy of the receipt emailed to me. How long does it normally take to receive a copy of the receipt via email? I would like to verify it went through. Thank you
If you renewed through the state’s website or tax collector, reach out directly to them. If you placed your order with, please give us a call at 1.888.633.5332
I moved to a different county, how can I switch over my tags? I have an appointment for my actual license a few days after my birthday, due to Covid it’s been nearly impossible.
You can update the new address on your driver’s license by visiting Updating a new address on your driver’s license will automatically update the address on your electronic title, however, a printed title will still reflect your new address until a new title is applied for using an Application for Certificate of Title With/Without Registration. Once the address has been changed, you can submit an order for a replacement registration by visiting
I owe tolls on my Florida tags, and I was told I can’t renew until they are paid. Based on the amount I will likely be without good tags for a 2 months. Can I still be penalized if I ground my vehicle for that time? Also how much is a traffic citation if do use my vehicle with expired tags?
Contact the toll company and see if you can agree on a payment plan. The citation depends on what county you’re in.
The sticker didn’t come.
I renewed the license plate a month and a half before it expired. I checked the site and shows that the renovation is active and valid until 2021. But the plate sticker has not come yet. And I’m walking with the old sticker. Do I risk being stopped by the police?
If you placed your order with the state’s or tax collector’s website, please contact them directly. If you did it through, call us at 1.888.633.5332
I purchased my car in Tennessee and it has Tennessee license tags. The car is currently in Florida (being used by a family member, who is ensured in the car insurance policy), but the TN tags are expiring in November. How do we go about renewing the tags in Florida? Thanks
Hello Gus. You can register a vehicle in Fl once you establish residency.
You are considered a resident in FL once you:
– Start working in the state.
– Register your children for a Florida school.
– Establish FL residency through rental, lease, or purchase of an apartment or house.
Under those circumstances, you will need to register your vehicle at your nearest tax collector’s agency.
To register your vehicle you’ll first need to:
– Obtain a Florida driver’s license.
– Get a valid FL auto insurance.
– Have a VIN inspection and odometer reading completed.
Then, arrange an in-person visit to the DMV and take care of the following:
– Present your Florida driver’s license.
– Submit proof of Florida insurance.
– Show your lien documentation (if applicable)
– Have your VIN and Odometer Reading verified and submit the completed verification.
– Submit a completed Application for Certificate of Title With/Without Registration.
– Pay all registration and tax fees.
You may not have enough free time to schedule in-person appointments at your local tax collector’s agency. But you can always do it online.
eTags has launched an online tool that can help you register/title your vehicle from the comfort of your home or office.
For more information about FL car registrations or our online services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
My registration for my car expired while my drivers license was suspended. Now that my drivers license is valid, will they allow me to renew my registration without car insurance or do I need to get car insurance first? Also will a car insurance company insure a car with expired tags?
Hello Anthony. From the information you have provided you will need to get a valid insurance before being able to renew your registration. Contact your insurance agent right away to solve this procedure right away.
Thank you. Can I get car insurance with an expired tag?
Hello Anthony. You will need auto insurance to register or renew your vehicle registration and not the other way around, regardless of expiration.
Leased a new car from a dealership on 7/26/19 and since I have never registered a vehicle in Florida before (moved from out of state a year ago) a temp plate was given to me at the dealership & they told me I would receive my new florida plates in the mail within 30 days. I obtained a FL insurance policy as required & have a valid FL address (which was the address I used on all the paperwork at the dealership when I got the car). Only thing I have not done yet is switch my drivers license from NJ to a FL license (I’ve been to the DMV 4 times to try to do this and each time the wait is 2.5+ hours and online appointments are booked thru October! Ridiculous!). The 30 days in which the dealer told me I’d receive my plates are almost up and I haven’t received anything in the mail…is this something to take up with the dealership or the DMV? I called the dealership about this and they told me to just come in and they’d give me another temp plate, but that doesn’t seem like it will solve anything if there’s an issue or reason as to why they’re not sending out my new plates!
Hello Mondo. You will need to discuss your issue with the dealership as they are already taking care of the registration process. Keep in touch with them and follow any other instructions.
Um $85.35 seems like a big MUCH for a tag for one year; I have a Chevy Equinox, is that normal; where can I call to confirm what is adding up to this high amount.
Hello Virginia. Car registration fees vary depending on the type of vehicle you are driving. If you are registering your car through the DMV they will be able to confirm such information. Here’s a link with further information about registration fees.
Can I have my tags sent to an out of state address when renewing online?
Hello Steve. If you renew your car registration via eTags, we could ship your new tags to any address in the United States. If you do it through the DMV, they will send it to you to the mailing address on file.
I just got my new sticker in the mail. I was lucky I got it because the Florida DMV put the wrong address on my new registration. So now I have to figure out how to change the address but I am not paying because it’s been the same address for 10 years. It was their fault. So how do I change it? I don’t have time to go to the DMV.
Hello Ken. You could always update your address through the FL DHSMV. They may charge you a fee but you could also contact the DMV to discuss your case with a clerk.
I have renewal coming up in September. One of my cars has a FSU tag and I no longer want a special tag. I just want the regular tag. Can I do that online?
Hello Rob. You will need to arrange an in-person visit to the DMV to request generic plates.
I renewed my registration online and they sent me new tags. Do I need to bring these into the DMV?
Hello Tom. You won’t need to visit the DMV once you receive your new tags on the mail.
If I have out of state tags (AR), is there a 10 day extension in Florida for expired tags?
Hello Nika. In FL, you have 30 days to register a vehicle from the day you:
– Start working in the state.
– Register your children for a Florida school.
– Establish FL residency through rental, lease, or purchase of an apartment or house.
Before registering your vehicle, you’ll also need to:
– Obtain a Florida driver’s license.
– Get a valid FL auto insurance.
– Have a VIN inspection and odometer reading completed.
After getting those documents, the DMV requires you to:
– Present your Florida driver’s license.
– Submit proof of Florida insurance.
– Show your lien documentation (if applicable)
– Have your VIN and Odometer Reading verified and submit the completed verification.
– Submit a completed Application for Certificate of Title With/Without Registration.
– Pay all registration and tax fees.
Of course, arranging in-person visits can be a real challenge, especially when you are juggling with different priorities during your day. You are strongly advised to process your registration online.
eTags has launched an online portal that can help you register/title your vehicle from the comfort of your home or office.
For more information about FL car registrations or our online services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
If I buy a car with GA expired tag located in Florida that I am driving back to Georgia to register…what should I do?
Hello Jonathan. You may be able to get a temporary registration from a FL DMV branch to drive it up to GA.
Hello, If I renew my tag at the DMV will they give me my new sticker right away?
Hello Jerome. Yes, you could get an sticker the same day you process your renewal in person. Yet, you may end up waiting a long time to speak to a clerk considering the number of people who visit the DMV everyday.
If you rather renew it online, you could use our online service to process from a device.
All you need to do is visit our portal and follow our simple instructions. By using our service, not only will you be processing your renewal from the comfort of your home, but you’ll also receive your new tags to any address in the US.
For more questions about vehicle registrations renewals in FL or our services, please feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
Hi if my license is expired does that mean that my insurance and tag is too?
your registration will have expiration date on it
If you have a neighbor that is a royal pain in the you know what that has lived in the state of Florida for well over a year and still refuses to register his vehicle in the state of Florida, is there a hotline to report?
Hello CT. From the information you have provided it is better to advice your neighbor about the importance of registration. Vehicle registration is mandatory in Florida.
I recently got a bigger car and did a voluntary repossession of my smaller car. I owe tolls on the car that I gave back, would I be able to renew sticker and registration for the bigger car sense it is a whole new plate and registration? Or do I have to pay the tolls on the old car I no longer have first?
Hello Nicole. In FL, you’ll be required to pay your pending fees if you are trying to pass your plates from one vehicle to another. If you are having a new registration on a new vehicle, you won’t be subject to pay fees on other vehicles.
Can I renew my tags at any Florida county tax office or does it have to be the county my tags are registered under? For example, my tag is registered under Brevard but I would like to renew them in Hillsborough. Is that possible?
Hello Melanie. You could renew at your local tax collector county but make sure you updated your address to receive your new tags. You could alternatively use eTags to renew your tags from the comfort of your home.
All you need to do is visit our portal and follow the easy instructions online.
If you have any questions in regard to registration renewals or our services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332.
To learn more about registration renewals in FL, read our latest blog on How To Renew Your Car Registration In Florida. We are glad to assist you.
Does the state of Florida reuse license plate numbers? I just got a new plate/number. I hadn’t put it on my vehicle yet and already received a notice from the toll system for a “toll by plate” charge for my new plate number. However the picture for the vehicle using “my” plate number was not my vehicle. Could another vehicle have “my” new plate number?
Hello Richard. You’ll need to contact the Toll company as there is a chance they made a mistake when tracking license plates.
I there I received the registration with no sticker. what needs to be done to get the sticker?
Hello Austin. You should contact your local DMV agency for more information your status.
I registered my car in Palm Beach county, but will be moving to Brevard County. Do I need to re-register the car in Brevard County or can I just change my address?
Hello Jamie. From the information you have provided you just need to update your address with the FL DMV. Good luck!
If I’m 5 days late renewing my registration how much is the late fee for a 2013 charger that weighs 4,500 pounds?
Hello Rod. That will depend on your car’s weight, class, and renewal period. If you still need to renew your registration, you could either do it in person or online.
Did you know that eTags offers car registration renewals in FL? All you need to do is visit our online portal and follow the instructions. No longer will you need to be worried about making unnecessary trips to the DMV. You can count on eTags to help you process your vehicle registration from your laptop or phone.
For more information about FL car registrations or our online services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
I have a car that is inoperable. I cancelled the insurance on the car. Do I need to turn in the tag?
If the tag will not be transferred for use on another vehicle, it needs to be turned in.
If the exhusband takes the tag, and the exwife cant afford to tag the car immediately, can she get a temp tag in the state of florida??? I have a friend who needs an answer to this ?? immediately…. as her ex is threatening to come take tag off car…..
Hello Dawn. From the information you have provided it appears that your only choice maybe to register your vehicle for either a year or two. You will need to contact your local tax collector agency to find out more about the status of your vehicle.
I am an Oregon resident that just purchased a vehicle in Florida on Friday night 6/28/19. How can I get a temporary tag on a Saturday?The registered owner removed his license plates when selling me the car. In Oregon the plates/tags can stay with the vehicle, so I did not purchase an Oregon trip permit before flying 3500 miles to buy this car.
Hello Devyn. You will have to apply for a temporary tag at the nearest tax collector’s agency so you could drive the vehicle up to Oregon.
My ex (significant other) has car with plate in my name. Car is in the my name and her mothers name (ex has POA for her mom). She is collecting tolls and not paying them. Is it possible to cancel that plate and get it out of my name.
Hello MS. From the information you have provided it appears that you and the other owner must arrange a title transfer so she could be the legal owner of the vehicle. By removing your name off the title, you are giving her full responsibility of the vehicle.
You could do it by arranging an in-person visit to your local FL DMV agency or using our online portal to help you process this request fast.
eTags offers an online title transfer service in FL which is highly convenient and easy to use. Note that both owners must provide proof of ID and signed documentation to complete this transaction without disruptions.
For more information about FL title transfers or our services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
If I have renewed my plate online, can I continue to drive the vehicle if the sticker doesn’t arrive by expiration deadline…
Hello Dave. In FL, police officers can pull your car over if they notice you don’t have a valid sticker on your vehicle.
I forgot to renew my registration in advance and waited until my birthday, yesterday (6/25 which expired at midnight) to order it. Is there still a high possibility of me getting a ticket? thanks.
Hello Jared. It’s illegal to drive a vehicle with expired tags. If you live in FL, you will need to renew your registration with your local tax collector’s agency.
Now, did you know that eTags offers online registration renewals in the State of Florida? By accessing our portal, you could complete this transaction from the comfort of your home.
For more information about car registrations in FL or our services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
My ex and I share title to a car I bought… he refuses to pay insurance on it as I pay the half for my other car I had to get after leaving the old one to him along with much more to escape an abusive relationship. He knows that the insurance will cancel and I’ll have to turn tag in or we both lose license. He. Does not care, and no he will not let me sign the car over to him so it will be his fully. How do I deal with this? Please Florida
Hello Michelle. You will need to contact your local DMV agency to receive further instructions considering your case. Good luck
Due to some circumstances, I was not driving and did not renew my tag for 15 months, how much will be the late fees for the renewal?
Hello MB. Generally, the pending amount ranges from $5 to $250 depending on how long the tags have been expired and the vehicle’s weight.
Now you are strongly advised to renew your registration in order to be legally allowed to drive your in vehicle in FL. Did you know that you can renew your registration with eTags?
eTags offers you an online portal that could help you register your vehicle from the comfort of your home or office.
No longer will you need to be worried about making unnecessary trips to the DMV. You can count on us to help you process your registration within minutes.
For more information about registration renewals in FL or our services, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
My mother gave me her car as a gift with time left on her plates…the car is registered to her but the title is in my name and is insured…can i temporarily with the/her tags or is this against the law
Hello Tom. If your mother is on the title she could sign over the title to you and let you register and title vehicle into your name.
When do you receive a renewal notice for your tag registration that expires 7/19/19
Hello Gladys. There is not a set date for receiving a renewal notice from the DMV as you county is not required to send it to you. You will need to actively verify that information by contacting the DMV. However, you are allowed to renew your registration 3 months before the deadline.
Now, if you are a FL resident, did you know that eTags offer an online service that lets local renew their registration without having to arrange in-person visits with the DMV? Our portal offers a user-friendly tool that helps you renew your tags from the comfort of your home or office. No longer will you need to disrupt your day by completing tasks that you could easily be handled by visiting our website.
For more information about registration renewals or our online service, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
I received a registration renewal notice, and I see that my wife’s 2015 Hyundai Elantra with standard plates is $36.85 to renew. However, my 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis with “Go Fishing” plates is $76.85 to renew. I did read that there’s a $25 annual fee for the Go Fishing specialty plate, but where is the extra $15 coming from? Both vehicles are for private use and neither has vanity plates. Thanks so much for your time!
Hello Alex. Registration and registration renewal fees are subject to several factors including the type of vehicle you own. Here is a link with more information about registration fees in FL.
my son bought a car in north carolina, we have to transport it to florida is it possible to get a temporary tag from florida before picking car up? also car is in his name but his license is suspended. Can i get the temp. tag in my name?
Hello Christiane. You cannot register a vehicle that it is not in your name. And your son cannot drive a vehicle with a suspended driver’s license either. But you could have your son sign over the title to you so you could be able to register the vehicle in FL. To process the title transfer, you could use our online service that handles FL title transfers within minutes. It is a user-friendly platform that helps you avoid arranging in-person visits to the DMV. Once you are the legal ownership of the vehicle, you will need to obtain a temporary tag from the DMV in NC to drive it down to FL and process the vehicle registration with your local tax collector’s agency.
If you have any questions about title transfers in FL or our service, please feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-888-633-5332. We are glad to assist you.
If college students from another state moved into our apartment complex do they have to get Florida tags on their cars?
Hello Rebecca. They could be driving vehicles that are owned by their parents, which means that they are not obliged to register considering that they will be living in the state temporarily. Now if they want to own the vehicle, they will need to register their vehicles and follow the same process as any other resident in FL.
I bought a car in Minnesota and immediately towed it to a super reputable mechanic in Michigan. It will not get to FL for a month or so. I need to title/license it (I already insured it) in Florida (where I reside) but it’s not available for the VIN check, what do I do?
Hello Allen. You could make a VIN inspection through the nearest police station or public notary in Michigan and use that to register your new car in FL.
My daughter let her tag expire and she now needs to renew it. What does she need to do. It is from July 2018.
Hello Traci. Your daughter will need to renew their registration by paying the renewal fee along with the late fees. Did you know that eTags offers online registration renewals in FL? Our online portal let FL users renew their registration from the comfort of their homes/offices. We offer a simple, fast, and convenient tool that help you handle this transaction with knowledge and care.
If you have any other questions about vehicle registration renewals in FL or our online service, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. We are glad to assist you on this procedure.
Are you sure that is the correct number? I called it today and it was about something like “Vicell” and they said it was a sexually enhancing drug. I had a question about my tags too and wanted to get more information.
Hello Joe. This is our Customer Support number: 1-888-633-5332. Otherwise, send us an email if you have any questions about our online service or registration renewals in FL.
The wife purchased & registered a car in Florida in 2017, at renewal in 2019, Feb, she got a 2 years renewal. In May 2019 we traed that car for another and registered in my name only. We couldn’t use the plate on the traed car because it was on her name do we got a new plate. Can she get reimbursed for the renewal that she did on February for the car that was utilized in the traed in? This was in Florida.
Hello Marino. From the information you have provided, you traded your car and then registered in your name only. You also got a different plate for the new car which means that you won’t be able to get a refund for the residual value unfortunately.
Hello, can I renew my tags 7 months prior to them being due?
Hello Christiane. The renewal period starts 90 days prior to the registration deadline. Did you know that eTags offers online registration renewals to residents in FL? Our portal offers a online platform that is user-friendly, easy-to-use, fast, and, more importantly, convenient. All you need to do is follow the instructions and complete this procedure within minutes from the comfort of your home or office.
If you have any other questions about registration renewals in FL or our service, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. We are glad to assist you on this procedure.
I renewed my tag online but the one I currently have will expire before I received the new one in the mail. If I was to get pulled over, could I just show my confirmation ?
Hello Carlos. We cannot give you the certainty that you won’t get a ticket as that’s up to the discretion of the law enforcement agent. Vehicles cannot be on the road with expired tags and that’s the law.
My 90 year old grandfather co-signed for my car and is listed on the registration with me. He is going to surrender his driver’s license this year. Will I still be able to renew my tags?
Hello Crystal. You will need to verify that with your local DMV as they typically place registrations on hold when one of the owners cancels their driver’s license or has a suspension. If you can do it before his cancelation, you won’t have any problems otherwise you will need to run a VIN check to confirm it.
My daughter moved to FL has to register her car before Oct 1st 2019. She will be late one week after October 1st until she gets paid. Can you tell me what’s the penalty? Would she lose her license as a penalty? Please advice
Hi Carmen, we are not privy to the exact circumstances of your daughter’s situation so it is difficult to answer with certainty. However, as it relates to late fees, Florida penalties are minimal compared to other states; usually no more than $20 for late registration. Florida requires that your car be registered in the state (with Florida plates) within 30 days of establishing residency. If she has just recently moved to Florida and either obtained a job, purchased or leased a home, or enrolled herself or a dependent in school, she has 30 days to obtain her Florida plates. Please keep in mind that, if she doesn’t have her Florida plates yet, she needs to have a valid and current registration from another state to drive the vehicle. If she is caught driving without a valid registration from Florida or another state, her license could certainly be suspended and/or her car impounded.
Hello, I renewed my registration online, and was expecting to receive an updated sticker and registration certificate, but was sent a whole new tag. Did I do something wrong?
Hello Ariel. The FLHSMV requires motorists to obtain new tags in about 10 years owing to law enforcement purposes.
I have a leased Honda CR-V and live in Florida. Do you know what the fee is, if I pay before my birthday? Also, my lease is up end of July. Will I be able to keep my tag if I trade out, so I wouldn’t have to renew registration?
Hello Amy. The CR-V fee amounts to approximately $20, but you must contact your local Tax Collector’s agency to get more information about the fees. You are also free to keep the tags until it expires or trade it upon discretion.
I renewed my plates last year and when I got the mail the sticker we usually get wasn’t included? Did they stop doing the decal??
Hello Sean. Have you checked the entire document? Make sure you check the entire document and plates, otherwise contact the DMV to report the incident.
Had a vehicle that broke down so I surrendered the tags. Getting vehicle fixed now – what is the process since it is was previously registered?
Hello Kevin. From the information you have provided, you will need to request a new registration for the vehicle that you just fixed. Here is a link with more information about first-time registrations in FL.
I registered car (new registration) in June 2018 for 2 yrs. Why does the sticker say it expires in Nov. 2019? Should be good til June 2020. Thanks
Hello Nancy. The DMV in FL offers annual and biennial registrations and charge a fee depending on the vehicle you are driving. You will need to contact your local tax collector’s agency to find out more about this issue.
Can I turn in my lease vehicle to one dealership, take off the tags, then go to a different dealership. Buy a used car and have the plates registered to it?
Trying to no get the trade in hassle.
Hello William. From the information you have provided it seems that you may be able to do that through your own dealership. They usually take of these type of procedures once you purchase a vehicle to save time and complete the transaction.
Hello . I live in Florida and this years registration renewal when up from $ 74 to $91. I have a Dodge Challenger. Did the fees go up this year?
Hello Alfred. There is no information about any increase on registration renewal fees in FL this year. Note that FL charges an additional late renewal fee for motorists who fail to renew their tags within the renewal period. You should contact your local Tax Collector agency for more information about your last renewal transaction.
Hi, I live out of state now and will need to renew my tags in this next year, can I do that without having a home address in Florida anymore? I am permanently out of state.
Hello Frank. The questions is whether you are living in the other state permanently or temporarily. If you permanently relocate to another state, you will be required to register your car with the local DMV in your new location.
Even though I’m military? And the local dmv does not require me too?
Hello Frank. If you are stationed in another state for military duties, you can register and renew your registration with your local DMV as long as you have an address to give proof that you are a resident. However, if you don’t have a FL address, you will no longer be considered a resident in FL, which means that you will have to register your car in the new address where you currently live.
Hi, so even though I’m a legal resident of Florida with Florida ID, without an address in Florida I cannot renew my vehicles registration?
If you cannot fulfill the following requirements, you won’t be able to register a car in FL:
– Begin working in the state.
– Register your children for a Florida school.
– Establish FL residency through rental, lease, or purchase of an apartment or house.
I bought a van in March the tag says expires in May 2020. My other two cars are up for renewal this May. My daughter is getting my Altima. I want to transfer that tag to my van and get my daughter a personalized plate. Can this be done? Since I already paid for the band tag can they just transfer the payment to the tag coming off the Altima and I pay the difference? Does this make sense
Should say since I already paid for the VAN tag can I just turn this plate in and the money I paid go towards renewing the Altima plate and transferring it to the van?
Hello Jenna. You will be able to transfer the value to the new plate but special plates are more expensive than conventional plates. You should contact the DMV for further guidance about this procedure.
Hello Jenna. You will be able to transfer the value to the new plate but special plates are more expensive than conventional plates. You should contact the DMV for further guidance about this procedure.
Hi I bought a car 6 weeks ago and the dealership said they would transfer my plate from a car that was totaled two years ago from Hurricane Irma. The license plate is in my husbands name. They instead registered the car for a new plate and said that they have transferred the plate for my new car, but it says it is still not assigned to any vehicle and there is a different license plate number for my car. Can my husband transfer this old plate to me for the vehicle that was totaled? Every time I call the dealership, they give me different answers.
Hello Kilgore. From the information you have provided, you might need to contact the DMV to complete this procedure in a direct way to avoid confusions. Make sure you bring all the documentation you have about those two vehicles to avoid complications. But you will need to contact your local Tax Collector agent to verify the status of both vehicles and receive further guidance.
If i no longer own my vehicle as its been turned in after lease contract, do I need to cancel the renewal somehow or just leave it alone? I no longer use the plate associated either. The plate has been turned in.
Please advise.
Hello Christine. You could either keep the plate and keep renewing your tags or cancel your plates through the DMV. It depends on whether you are planning to get a new vehicle and use your current license plate on it.
OK – So I leased a new car in January in Florida and put it in my name (not my husbands as in prior years). They charged me 163.35 for what they call “license” and $239 for electronic filing fee which might have nothing to do with the registration. My birthday is in May and today I received a renewal in the mail in the amount of $79.35 – shouldn’t there be some kind of a credit?
Hello Gail. Unfortunately, renewal fees must be paid in full. Remember that driving with expired tags is against the law.
my tag went out yesterday how long do i habe to renew it
Hello Kristian. Typically, you have 90 days before your registration deadline, to renew your tag. If you couldn’t register your car within the deadline, your will be liable for late fees. Late fees apply if you wait 11 days after the end of the month in which your registration expires. They range from $5 to $250 or more, depending on the type of vehicle you own and your length of delinquency.
My car has recently been towed due to expired tags. Could I retrieve my car before renewing it?
Hello Angel. If your vehicle has been towed for expired tags, you will first need to pay your fees before getting your car back.
My bad …question still apology… just the thing about $501.17 for tags,drl.ect …did not let me sleep last night !
Hello Hector. In the state of Florida, a motor vehicle is required by law to be registered within ten days of the owner either becoming employed, placing children in public school, or establishing residency. If you do not currently have a FL license plate to transfer to this vehicle, you will pay a one-time $225 “new wheels on the road” fee, $2 per lien, plus vehicle registration fees depending on the weight of your vehicle.
Hi , i just moved from Arkansas with tags paid from the state until 3\20…so i went to the tax collectors office , by the time I was finished i had a bill for $501.17 ..Dr.lic, tags ect… no discount as a veteran nor no one toll me that i could drive until my AR. tags exp. date (3\20) …do the state of Florida have a max. period to drive with paid tags from other state ? or do i have a mandatory period to drive with out of state tags ??
Hello Hector. In the state of Florida, a motor vehicle is required by law to be registered within ten days of the owner either becoming employed, placing children in public school, or establishing residency. If you do not currently have a FL license plate to transfer to this vehicle, you will pay a one-time $225 “new wheels on the road” fee, $2 per lien, plus vehicle registration fees depending on the weight of your vehicle.
Question, why is my registration renewal more than my husband’s?
Hello Kristen. Your registration renewal fees vary according to the vehicle weigh, use, and type. Here is a link with a complete list of registration fees in FL.
This is happening to me too. My registration is more expensive than my husband’s and we both drive Toyota Priuses. We are only three days apart so we are the same age. Is this a form of sexism?
Hello Adrienne. Your fees usually vary based on:
– Your vehicle type.
– Vehicle weight.
– The length of your registration.
– County specific fees.
– Additional fees for leased vehicles.
Here is a link with more information about registration fees in FL.
In fact, according to the link, both of our renewals should only cost $22.50 based on weight, that they are standard non-commercial use motor vehicles less than 3,499 lbs. yet my husband’s was $28.85 + $2.00 online convenience fee, and mine is $39.90 + $2.00 convenience fee – for a 1 year renewal. What is the reasoning behind the $10 difference. We both live in the same house, same city, same age, same car.
Hello Adrienne. Have you contacted the DMV about this situation? They may be able to give you better reference about your case.
I am trying to transfer my registration from Maine to Florida. I was issued a temp plate while waiting for the car title to be sent to the tag agency, however there was an issue with the title (I had to send them verification of name change because I got married, so there’s been a long delay). In the meantime i’m on my second temp plate which expires today. I went to the tag agency this morning, the title has still not come in and they said they could not issue me another temp plate because I’ve already had two. Is there anything I can do?
Hello Brittany. You will first need to sort out the problem that you have with the title as soon as possible, otherwise you won’t be able to register the vehicle in FL.
I am a snowbird will be leaving in April..returns in October… registration is paid until February 2020. The car will be in the garage not moved can I take insurance off my car
Hello Glenda. The state of FL issues strict regulations about snowbirds and auto insurance. You will have to contact your local DMV agency to find out what courses of action you need to take to keep your vehicle under protection.
I have a question that I would thank you a lot if you could help me understand what I have to do:
I have not renewed the registration of my car since 2001 because the car was outside of the USA, now I am bringing the car back to the USA… what do I need to do to renew the registration? Can I do it online?
Hello Franco. You might do well by getting a new registration for your vehicle. You must contact your local DMV agency for more information about the status of your vehicle.
Why does it cost so much to change your tag from Georgia to Florida? Over 400$ a car is a bit on the ridiculous side.
Hello Jones. In FL, you will pay a one-time $225.00 “new wheels on the road” fee, $2 per lien, plus registration fees depending on the weight of your vehicle. Here is a complete list of fees.
It costed me $385 for a Ford Focus. Insane. Be careful what they are charging you! She added a lot of extra fees on mine without telling me my options.
Hello Kelsie. It all depends on the vehicle you are driving. It is good to be informed prior to heading to the DMV.
A couple of months ago, we took my Niece’s car out of service for extensive repairs that will take several months. We turned her tag in to the tag office so that we won’t have to pay for insurance on a car that isn’t being used. They have now sent a registration renewal notice. Should I renew the registration even though we turned in the tag? I won’t have anything to put the sticker on.
Hello Dewayne. Your niece will have to contact her local tax collector’s agency to find out the status of the vehicle and report that she has already surrendered her tags.
I am trying to transfer my Kia Rio from Georgia to Florida, 565.00 is a bit much for me with limited income. Are there any options for paying or am I just SOL!
Hello Kimistry. You will need to contact your local DMV agency to confirm your first-time registration fees. Keep in mind that it is against the law to drive a vehicle with no tags.
I just leased a new car. They could not do a tag transfer because of unpaid sunpass. I have now paid sunpass. My registration is up for renewal. Am I able to just change the make and year on renewal or do I have to provide more documents in person?
Hello M.Gostel. When a motorist has unpaid tolls, the DMV can place a hold on their registration. You should contact the DMV for more information about the status of your vehicle to ensure the information is updated.
N ok
Vehicle registration renewals are mandatory and motorists must be responsible for ensuring they renew their tags on time.
hi, im having a difficult time renewing my tags because of un paid tolls from my former spiuse, how xan i get a payment plan to renew my tag
Hello Sue. When you don’t renew your registration, the DMV places a hold on your registration. To resolve the issue, you’ll have to contact the toll collection agency and pay your pending fees. They may be able to advice you on the steps you need to take given your situation.
Hi I renewed my registration on Feb 14th. I haven’t received the decal but I did receive the paper registration. The address on everything is correct. Should I go to an agency or dmv for a decal?
Hello Paige. You should contact the DMV to find out the status of your renewal.
Hello Paige. You must contact your local DMV agency to find out the status of your order or arrange an in-person visit since both items are equally important.
To confirm. Is an online “proof of renewal” considered as an updated tag should you be pulled over for an expired tag?
For example, if the tag is expired on 4/18 and you are pulled over after this date and present a “proof of renewal” printed copy, can you still be issued a ticket? Thank you.
Hello Jai. It is difficult to provide a definite answer to that question. While driving without valid tags is against, it is up to the law enforcement agent to determine whether or not you should get a ticket for driving without tags.
I completed the Florida online registration renewal on Feb 11, 2019. As of March 1st I have yet to receive my registration or sticker. I do have all of the paper work that shows the payment was paid and the renewal was completed successfully. It has been 14 business days. Is there someone who i can contact regarding this issue? Unfortunately for me, I have 3 important visits to 2 different cancer centers I need to drive to the days immediately after the current registration expires.
Hello Anthony. Perhaps you have not updated your address with the tax collector’s agency. You are advised to contact your local DMV agency to find out more about the status of the process.
I sold my car and still haven’t purchased a new one. My tags have expired and I haven’t renewed them yet. Can I leave them without renewing until I buy my car? will I encounter any penalties as the months go by??
Hello Adri. You must report the transaction to the DMV or call them to find out the status of the vehicle you sold. Good luck.
I downloaded MyFlorida app and would like to renew my tag, but I am afraid to proceed when I needed to be mailed to another state. How will I make sure when I renew it that it will go to the out of state address?
Hello Yaira. The DMV processes registration renewals by shipping the new tags to the address saved on file. However, did you know that eTags offers online registration renewals to local residents in FL? We can ship your new tags anywhere you wish to receive it in the US. If you have any other question in regards to registration renewals and/or our service, feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. We are glad to assist you on this process.
Trying to renew online said it found my record but my current Plate # in not in the pick list / just 2 expired plates are there ! What do I do?
Hi Louise, sorry to hear that you had trouble renewing online. If you have placed an order with us before and don’t see the plate you need to renew in your order list, you can simply place a new order by visiting to place a new order for the plate. Hope that helps.
I did the renewal online and I still did not receive the tag, my license expired on 02-19 … the deadline to get the tag is 7 days, can I still drive?
Hello Marcio. It will take up to 10 business days to receive your new tags. Note that you are not allowed to drive a car without tags and we cannot speak for every law enforcement agent who may stop you. Contact your local DMV agency in case you’ve waiting for a considerable amount of time.
I have an antique tag that I’d like to transfer registration to a newer car….is this possible?
Hello Carol. You may need to surrender your tags and get a new one. But you will need to contact your local tax collector’s agency for more information about plates transfer.
I just found out from Sunpass, someone has been going through toll with my sunpass, and the camera catches them with my tag plate, where can I go to get this done? Because I am not sure if local tag agencies can help me.
Hello Eric. You will need to contact SunPass to report your case.
My neighbor has quite a few cars in their driveway and some have been there for quite a bit of time and they don’t run or have tags on them. What is the law for this in the state if there is any? To all cars have to be tagged and registered whether parked in a driveway or not?
Hello Annonymous. That depends on where you live. Look up your city ordinance on non-operational-status motored-vehicles. Some places have a limit to how many cars one can have on a property or how long a vehicle can sit in one spot.
Someone said they are leaving their vehicle to me and already transferred it into my name. I have never received any documentation. Wouldn’t I receive the title to transfer it legally
Hello Cindy. Nobody can complete a transfer until both parties sign the pink slip.
i am currently on a suspended, and my plate is in my possession, but it is expired. the car i had registered is no longer i vehicle i drive, but i do still have it. i got different car instead and i want to register that instead. Can and how do i do this? not sure of prices
Hello Brent. You will first need to solve your suspension issue before being able to register a car. You will be able to register the car including the outstanding fees for the expired tags on your previous vehicle.
I totaled my last vehicle out of state about a year ago. The shop that kept my car also kept my car tags. What does Florida require if I’m renewing a tag on a totaled vehicle?
Hello Chris. If you are not planning to use the vehicle, you will need to report that your car will remain inoperative to the DMV so you don’t have to renew your tags. Note that you will need to cancel your registration before canceling your insurance.
I paid for my change of address and registration tag. I only l was mailed my change of address lD l never received the registration and tag. I have proof from my bank it was paid the first week in Jan. Now my registration and tag is expired in Feb.
Hello. You will need to contact your local DMV agency to report that you haven’t received your tag nor your registration and find out about the status of your vehicle. Note that you need to keep your vehicle registered in order to be authorized to drive.
I currently have Florida GOLF licesne tags but want to replace them with standard Florida tags. How do I exchage them?
Hello Ed. You may need to return your current tags in order to be able to request new ones. You are strongly advised to contact your tax collector’s agency to request new tags.
I’ve lived in Florida previously and held Florida car registration, but moved to New Hampshire for 3 years in which my license plates expired. I’ve since moved back from New Hampshire to Florida and trying to find out the cost to change from NH to FL registration since I previously held Florida registration. I hope I explained this right.
Hello Christopher. You will need to arrange an in-person visit to the DMV to explain your case. We cannot confirm whether you will be liable for costs besides the regular vehicle registration fees.
I renewed both my car registration and driver’s license online and received confirmation emails for both on January 14th, 2019. However, I still have not received them via mail. Is there a way I can track the status of those two items?
Hello Kaitlyn. Have you updated your address information with the DMV. You are advised to contact the DMV for more information about the status of both items.
My car registration will expire midnight of May 30, 2019. What is the earliest month can I renew since I’ll be out of country this coming March.
Hello Rudy. The earliest you can renew your registration is on March 1st. If you are going to be travelling within the U.S., you could always use our portal to renew your registration online, regardless of where in the country you are located. We offer a user-friendly service to FL residents so you don’t need to schedule in-person visits to the DMV. We also offer out-of-state shipping so you get your new registration anywhere in the US. If you have any other question in regards to registration renewals and/or our service, feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. We are glad to assist you on this process.
My car was suposed to be sold 2 times now, but sale fell threw.
Now i am late renewing my tags, what is the penalty for 2mths late?
Hello Melody. It will depend on your vehicle weight, the length of your registration, county specific fees, and additional fees for leased vehicles (if applicable). Did you know that you can renew your registration online by visiting our online portal and follow the simple steps. Our online service is fast, easy to use, and offers an convenient, user-friendly alternative to residents in FL. If you have any other question in regards to registration renewals and/or our service, feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. We are glad to assist you on this process.
I renewed my vehicle registration on line and they sent me a NEW license plate.
Now I’m concerned that I will need to update insurance information and other things such as my Sun Pass, residential zone parking permission and a handicap placard that I put on my rear view mirror. Please advise.
Hello Frank. You will need to update your information with other entities once you receive a license plate with a new number.
I have a fifth wheel currently registered in FL for seasonal use and will be brining out of state pick up truck (>5000lbs and < 8000lbs) to register and keep in FL. Truck will only be used to tow fifth wheel. When declaring the GVW for FL truck registration, do I add pin weight of fifth wheel – even though fifth wheel has its own separate FL registration?
Hello Rod. You will need to contact the DMV about bringing and out-of-state pickup truck with a registered fifth wheel. They will be able to give you guidance on what you need to do at this point.
How many days do you have to cancel a specialty tag after ordering the tag
Hello Colin. You will have to wait until you get the new license and visit your local DMV agency to cancel it.
If your tag was renewed two months early and transferred to a new car and you wanted a personalized specialty plate , do you get a credit of the renewal towards the new personal tag?
Hello Colin. You could get credit for switching to a personalized tag. Contact your local DMV office for more information about your case and fees.
Moved to Florida and car was registered in my previous state. Ended up parking the car and not driving it and the tags expired. The out of state tags have been expired over a year but now I want to drive the car so I need to register in Florida. Does Florida make you pay “back registration” from the time it was last registered?
Hello Nick. You could register your car in the state without having to pay “back registration,” as long as you were not using the vehicle. Contact your local DMV for more information about vehicle registration and vehicles without tags.
I just bought a new car and transferred my tag to the new car. I did not trade my old car and was not ready sell it at the time. The old car still has insurance but no tag. Can I get a temporary tag for 30 days until I sell it?
Hello Alan. Since you are planning to sell the vehicle, all you need is to have the title of the vehicle.
Hello, My birthday is Feb 1st, so it is almost time to renew my tag in the state of Florida. However, I will be moving to the state of Colorado in May. Is there a way to only pay for my Florida tag for a few months, since I won’t need it for the entire year?
Hello Rob. Unfortunately, you must register your vehicle in Florida regardless of how long you are planning to stay in the state. In FL, it is illegal to drive with an expired registration. If the police finds you driving with an expired registration, you could face expensive fines.
i sold my truck in June and just got back in town from work. i bought a used car from a dealer. can i use my trucks license plate and what do i need to do since the tags have expired in the time since i sold it?
Hello Joe. You can register your new car and just transfer your current license plates to the new truck. Good luck!
I paid online for my tag renewal on sunday around 5pm. They just took the money off this morning, how long til i receive it.
Hello Staci. It will take between 7 to 10 business days to get your new tag.
I just purchased my new car last month and had the dealer transfer my tag because I was going to sell my old car in couple of weeks. They gave me temp tag while I await the transfer process to complete. I just received my new registration paperwork that says my tag is now assigned to the new car. However, my old car is still with me since I have not been able to sell it at the price point I wanted to. So my transferred the license plate to the new car today. Now my old car is without a tag sitting on my driveway. Is that okay? Will I have to get a new tag for my old car till the time I sell it?
Hello Abhi. You may need to be careful because some communities in Florida do not allowed for cars to be parked without a tag even when you parked it on your driveway. You will need to check with your local authority.
I have an email receipt for my new tag sticker, but my tag ended a week ago. Can I drive the vehicle until the new arrives in the mail?
Hello Kris. Your tags are legally renewed once you paid the renewal fee, yet you could still get a ticket for driving a car without stickers.
I renewed my vehicle tag on 03Jan19 online @ Pinellas County Tag Renew. Got stopped by the fuzz on 05Jan19, because my tag and it did not match the data base. He says the DMV issues a new (License Plate) after 7 years of use. Mine is 8 years old. Could the data base reflect a ‘new’ plate/(tag) number already …and the plate be in the mail ? He issued me a warning and suggested I contact the DMV.
Hello Christopher. As you may know, the DMV usually issues new license plates banking on the number of years you’ve been keeping the vehicle but you will need to contact your local DMV agency to confirm that you are receiving a new plate in your mailbox.
If I renew my tag on December 31st and have a screenshot and a email verification of purchase of renewal can a tow company tow my vehicle for expired tag?
Hello Joe. Unless you are present when a tow company agent checks your vehicle, they can tow your car if you don’t have the sticker on your vehicle.
My ex wife has the car that is in my name. The car is paid for. However she wont or hasnt transferred the car in her name yet. Im leaving the state of Florida and the tags will expire in a month. should I call the authorities to find her and the car and take the tags? Also I need to cancel the insurance on the vehicle as well. Please help!
Hello Carla. You will need to contact the DMV and explain your case for further guidance about that vehicle.
I just moved to Florida a few months ago and went ahead and contacted my insurance company to tell them about the move. They transferred my account to an agent nearby with no issues. I haven’t gotten a Florida tag yet, but my insurance payments are current and it’s not past my tag renewal time for my previous state. However, my husband got pulled over this morning and was told we don’t have insurance and the registration is suspended! How can this be, and how can I resolve the issue?
Hello Candice. You will need to contact your local DMV and confirm the status of your vehicle. That’s the first thing you need to and probably the only way to findout what you need to do moving forward.
Hi. I’m a non-resident but i have a Floridian driver license. We just bought a car 2 months ago and the first temporary tag is expired, so i’m waiting for my 2nd temp tag. Is it possible to renew the temp tag with an other driver license. If we change the driver on the registration and i put the name of my boyfriend with his Floridian driver license so can we do 2 more months with a temporary tag ? thank you
Hello Soso. You will have to contact your dealership or visit your local DMV agency to solve your request. eTags doesn’t offer temp.tag renewals but the DMV will be able to give you more guidance on this issue.
Hi I’m the co buyer and i have insurance and my licence is valid but the buyer licence is suspended will i be able to renew my tag. Both of our name on the registration
Hello Gail. As for co-ownership, both owners need to pay any fees/infractions or follow any other requirement given by the DMV so as to get their driver’s license reinstated. Failure to do so, you won’t be able to renew your tags in Florida.
Hi, I just leased a new car and they gave me a new tag and registration. I no longer need my old tag from my old car. I sold my old car. But I kept my old tag just in case. I also received renewal bill for my old tag. Should i just let it go? or there is a formal process to disable my old tag? Please let me know. thank you!
Hello Bela. You must surrender your old tag to the DMV either by mail or in person. As for in-person appointments, here’s a link for tax collector’s agencies in the state of Florida.
Hi. Quick question. If I am the co owner of the vehicle,can the tag be reissued in my name?
Hello Kay. When it comes to removing a name from a vehicle title, there are some rules that you need to pay attention to. First of all, the person whose name is being removed from the title should fill out the sections on the back of the title certificate as though he or she were selling the vehicle. The other person, whose name is remaining on the title, will be considered as the buyer. The buyer will must take the completed title to the DMV and follow the normal steps for a valid title transfer. Now if the names are joined by “and,” then both named owners will have to sign the title as “seller” and make the transfer to the one person who is going to keep the car. If the two names are joined by “or” or by “and/or,” then either party alone can legally complete the transfer. It’s also worth mentioning that if the title has one or more liens listed, you will need to set new agreements with the lienholder or pay off the loan.
I am out of state with my sick father and my tags and registration are up for renewal. Will you be able to mail my new registration and stickers to an out of state address?
Hello Chris. If you need to renew your Florida registration, visit our eTags portal to complete the process online. We offer a service that is fast and easy to use compared to other traditional methods. Unlike the DMV, we can ship your new tags to any US address you provide us regardless of the mailing address the state DMV has on file. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. Let us help you process your renewal on time.
I just traded my small car for a truck to learn the tag now expires in December. I had just renewed my tag while on the car in June. How is it possible the DMV can steal 6 months worth of payment from citizens? This doesn’t seem right and I can’t seem to find any information online. Hoping you can share some knowledge.
Thank you.
Hello C. In this situation, it could be that there’s another person whose name is on the title which could shorten the renewal period or the truck weighs over 5,000 pounds as stated by the DMV. Did you that eTags offer online registration renewals in FL? Visit our portal and have your registration renewed within minutes. If you have any other question in regards to our service, please feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. Let us help you process your renewal on time.
I just moved to Florida from New York. My license expires in a few years. . Will my license issued in New York continue in effect?
Hello Minela. If you move to another state, you will need to register your out-of-state vehicle with the local DMV. Since you are a new resident in Florida, you are required to register your vehicle within 30 days after moving. You will need to visit your local DMV agency and bring your title, proof of ID, and car insurance card. You must also submit VIN inspection and odometer reading. Pay your initial $225 vehicle registration fee, title fees, plate fees, and taxes. Please click on the following link for more information on first time registrations in the state of Florida.
What if you can’t find your current registration? Would I still be able to renew? What other documents would I have to provide in place of the registration?
Hello Dora. If you are past the 90 days that you need to renew your registration, you can always request a registration replacement. Otherwise you can just renew your registration without any other requirement. Did you know that eTags offers online registration renewals and replacements in the state of Florida. Our portal will help you get a replacement and renew your registration within minutes, which is faster, easier to use, and more convenient compare to other methods. If you have any other question, please feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332.
If you have an expired license plate and want to renew it online, can you do it? And while you wait for the sticker on the mail is it safe to drive your car?
Hello Maria. We can help you sort out this problem online so you don’t have to be stuck in line while trying to renew your plate at the DMV. eTags offers online registration renewals (which includes license plates) in the state of Florida. Please visit our portal and follow the instructions which can be completed within minutes. Note that you can have a print copy of your renewal transaction, however it is not a guarantee for a police officer to issue a ticket for driving without an updated sticker. Since you are based in Florida, you can get your new tags from us within 3 days. If you have any other questions in regards to registration renewals, please contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332.
Is it more expensive to renew a lease vehicles registration vs a financed vehicle?
Hello Jamee. It’s pretty much straightforward. You’ll be paying more on vehicle registration fees when the car has been leased compared to a car that has been financed. It also depends on the vehicle you are driving. Hope this answers your question.
I moved to florida from Maryland. my Maryland license expires in 2 years but my MD tags have expired so I have not been driving. will I just have to pay the cost of getting a new florida license and tags
Hello Theresa. Here’s everything you need to take into account before registering your vehicle in Florida:
Before registering your vehicle, you’ll need to:
– Get a Florida driver’s license.
– Purchase FL auto insurance.
– Have a VIN inspection and odometer reading completed.
Here’s a link with more info about auto registrations in FL.
thanks e tags. but I cant get a vin inspection if I cant drive the car to the motor vehicle administration. I have been paying insurance and the vin number is on the new card. can I use that. also I can tell them the odometer reading but I will be taking a cab to get new tags. I have not driven since I moved here. can you help me with that? thanks
Hello Teresa! Since you are living already in FL, you’ll need to apply for a temporary tag so you can drive your car to the FL DMV and proceed with the registration process. Click on this link to learn more about temporary vehicle registrations in Florida.
I recently moved to florida from Maryland. my Maryland license expires in 2 years. the tags on my car from Maryland expired but I have not been driving. I am getting my florida license and tags soon. how much will this cost?
Hello Teresa. That will depend on the type of vehicle you drive. Here’s a link with more information about first-time auto registrations in Florida.
I have a question. If a person is a co-signer on a a vehicle and the second vehicle received a ticket for a red light and it has to be paid by Novembe, will that affect the person renewing their registration on the first car? Will they have to pay the fine for the second vehicle that they co-signed for in order to be allowed to renew their registration?
Hello Gladys. Regardless of how many cars you own, every ticket you get stays in your driving record. This means that it could affect any time you will try to renew the registration of any car where your name appears. However, you are strongly advised to contact your local DMV to confirm that you are eligible to renew your tags or clear any outstanding fees owing to infractions.The DMV has all your information and they can help you confirm any question in regards to traffic tickets.
My lease on my car was up. I am replacing the car in 6 or 7 months. Should I renew the plates and transfer them then or let them expire and get new plates? Thanks
Hello Lynn. You can always renew your registration and transfer it to the new vehicle you plan on buying. You may be paying an additional transfer fee but that depends on your case and the vehicle you drive. Did you know that eTags offers quick online renewals to drivers in Florida? All you need to do is visit our portal and follow the instructions. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support and we’ll be glad to assist you.
I renewed my tags online but I received a new license plate? Do you know why that happened?
Hello Myrna. Every 6- to 10 years the DMV changes your license plates number for law enforcement issues which is mandatory in the state of Florida. You won’t need to be worried about it as it doesn’t have to do with the driver nor the vehicle.
The same happened to me today. I was confused. What do I do with my old plate? What law enforcement issues?
The FHSMV requires you to surrender your license plate by mail or in person at your local Tax Collector’s agency in the following circumstances:
– If you sell the vehicle without transferring the license plate to your new vehicle.
– If you move to a new state and register the vehicle in that state.
– If you cancel the insurance on your vehicle.
I have to renew my tag this month, but I am planning on getting a new car by December or January.
Will I have to pay again to transfer my tag to the new vehicle? If so, how much? I don’t want to have to pay the few now to renew my tag, so have to pay again, or more, in a few months.
Hello Carissa. You still need to renew your tags, even when you are buying a new car. What you can do is renew your tags and then transfers your tags to the new car. You may be paying an additional transfer fee but that depends on your case and vehicle. Did you know that eTags offers quick online renewals to drivers in Florida? All you need to do is visit our portal and follow the instructions. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support and we’ll be glad to assist you.
We live in our RV (registered in Florida) but plan on living in California indefinitely. Must we renew our Florida tags or is there a way of leaving things as they are? The RV is not being moved.
Hello Jerry. If you are operating the RV, you should always keep your vehicle registered. Otherwise there’s a risk that you may be caught by the police and face expensive fines. However, you won’t get any benefit in terms of cost when it comes to relocating in another state so you will have to register it as any other vehicle. Did you know that eTags offers online renewals in Florida? You can renew your tags at your convenience without having to stand in line at the DMV. Visit our portal and follow the instructions to make sure you complete your renewal within minutes. If you have any other question, please feel free to contact our Customer Support or call us at 1-800-633-5332. Let us help you process your renewal on time.
We moved permanently to another country and took our Florida taged car with us. Do we need to mail the tags back to Florida tax agency?
Yes, you would have to surrender your plates by mail to the county tax collector (where your vehicle is registered).
How much to renew car tag
Hello, Alex. It depends on the vehicle that you are driving. If you need to renew it now, feel free to contact us so we can help you complete this procedure online. If you have any specific question, please send an e-mail to our Customer Support department so we can help you speed this process according to your needs.
My daughter bought a car, owned/drove it one month and the transmission went out. She was able to return the car to who she bought it from. She has no car now and is paid up on insurance. Can I return the plates to DMV for her or does she have to (she moved to Sarasota). Will she get a credit for anything?
Hello Gail. In this case, all she needs to do is return the plates to the tax collector’s office either in person or by mail. You can also do it for her giving the situation that she is unable to do it. Here’s more information about surrendering plates in the state of Florida. Hope that helps your case.
If my car is in my ex gf name still,, and we were together a very long time. How long after her birthday do I have to get the sticker? She has it and is away. I just want to know how long do I have to replace the sticker, since her birthday?
Hello Heather, you are allowed to renew your registration 30 days before the expiration date on your renewal notice. You also have 11 days after the deadline to complete your renewal without paying late fees. You can always do it online by visiting our portal which is fast and easy to use. If you have any other question about your registration, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at are here to help complete this procedure on time.
Do I need To renew my tag if the car doesn’t even work?
Hello Kayla. If you are in Florida and your registered vehicle is broken, then you can cancel your auto insurance and report it to the DMV so you can put your tags on hold until you fix the problem.
I dont drive, but my wife does and need to renew next week max and I am to co owner and I just find out I’m in collection for unpaid infraction, can’t renew ’cause it needs to clear out first, probably take days, but in case I doesn’t before expiration day, there’s is a fee or penalty to renew it later the date?
Hello Michael, late fees apply if you wait until 11 days after the expiration date. Those penalty fees range between $5 to $250 or more depending upon the type of vehicle you drive and the length of the unpaid infraction. You could always pay your infraction and have your registration renewed by providing a receipt in which the headed specifies the name of city in Florida that it was paid and printed. Did you know that eTags has an online portal that helps you renew your registration within minutes? Though, you will need to send us the receipt for the infraction (with the heading specifying that it was paid in any city of Florida), and will help you complete your registration asap. You can always visit your local tag agency to renew it in person, but you may need to book an appointment to reduce the amount of time you’ll need to wait in line. Please feel free to contact us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at if you have any other question about registration renewals in FL.
I’ve owned a 1985 Goldwing motorcycle since new, and registered it in Florida every year until 2010. Unable to ride for personal reasons, I kept it garaged and off the road. I now want to renew the Florida registration. What will the penalty be, and should I consider antique plates?
Hello Doc. You’ll need to visit your tag agency and pay the penalty fee for the time that your tag wasn’t renewed or you’ll need to give enough proof to the DMV for not being able to operate your motorbike. Try to take care of this problem before requesting antique plates for your bike.
I have a question. I have a vehicle that I use to use and then took it off of my insurance due to finances a little over 6 months ago and had to surrender my tags. I now have it reinsured and was wondering if I have to register it again as a new vehicle. Or what are the next steps into getting it onto the road again.
Hello Francisco. If you surrendered your tags then your vehicle is no longer operable nor eligible to be on the roads. You’ll have to contact the FLHSMV to register your vehicle again.
Hi. I received my Registration Renewal Notice on the mail. I own 2 cars so on the same sheet the 2 notices are separate but on the same sheet (one below the other)
On one of the cars on the IMPORTANT NOTICE area it says “Mandatory Tag Replacement” on this car the renewal is about $10 more expensive than the other. On the other renewal for the other car on the IMPORTANT NOTICE area it doesnt say anything
So my question is: Is there anything adittional I have to do to besides just sending the fee to get the “mandatory tag replacement” done? is the replacement of the tag included on the fee? (which as mentioned is $10 over the other one) Do I just get the new tags on the mail in a couple weeks? Im confused. I dont know if I have to pay this fee for the decals but I have to go somewhere else to get the tags replaced? or as mentioned the replacement is included in this fee?
Thanks for your clarification on this matter.
Hello Oscar. Generally, the FLHSMV requires drivers to replace their tags every 10 years. You won’t need to make any additional payments nor make unnecessary visits as they are all included in your registration fees and completed at once. If you need to complete your registration renewal, please feel free to visit our portal so you could renew your registration online without having to visit your local tax collector’s office. We offer a fast, easy, and reliable online service. If you have any question, contact us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at for more information about our registration renewal service.
Thank you I appreciate your prompt response
We are here to help you learn more about tag renewals in FL. Have an awesome day!
I had Florida plates on my car, then moved to NC about a year later. This was about 2 and a half years ago. I am now back in FL. Can I reuse the tag I had when I lived in Florida? Do I have to pay the 200 and some odd dollar registration fee all over again?
Hello Crystal. Once you register your car in another state, you’ll need to register your vehicle and pay the mandatory fees. You are advised to contact your local Tax Collector’s office for more information about your vehicle.
I bought a car from a dealer in Miami for my son July 28. We’re both on the title, but he’s the one driving it and lives in Orlando, we transferred the license plate from his old car, but were not able to get the registration the day of the purchase. He was given a temporary plate that will soon expire. He has called the dealership and was told he will receive it soon, but hasn’t. He needs to drive to work. And he can’t come to Miami to pick up another temporary plate due to his job. How can we check to see if the registration is in the system so he can put on his permanent plate? The car is financed through credit union so we don’t have the title. Insurance is good. We paid for registration and plate transfer the day of the purchase. Please let us know best way to resolve this issue! Thank you
Hello Josie. It’s in your best interest to contact the DMV as some dealerships do not handle a complete registration process. Here’s a link to the FLHSMV with a list of customer service support so you can verify if your registration went through.
My friend has an expired DL and can’t not renew until he get his green card. Can he renew his tags anyway on line?
Hello Dereck. Absolutely. You could always renew your FL registration by visiting our portal which is fast, easy-to-use, and convenient. No longer will you need to arrange an in-person visit to renew your tags once you experience the benefits of our online service. If you have any questions about registration renewals or our service, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team or call us at 1-800-633-5332. We are glad to assist you on this procedure.
I purchased a vehicle in a private sale on Friday after close of business. I will be transferring the tag from a currently owned vehicle to the new vehicle. My insurance agent wants to see the car before issuing a binder that I need to get my new vehicle registered. Can I put my current tag on the new vehicle to drive it to the insurance agency on Monday prior to the tag actually being transferred?
Hello David, You are advised to register your vehicle first before driving to the auto insurance agency. All you need is a proof of insurance to register your car so make sure you take care of that first.
I am a Florida resident with one car registered in the state. I now wish to move the registration of car No. 2 to Florida but will not be there to accomplish this in person until the registration of car No. 2 expires in the current state (end of August). Can I register this car No. 2 online by providing insurance and VIN without being there in person and thus save the re-registration cost in the current state? I’ll be back to FL where the car is actually parked in the garage a week after the car No. 2 plates expire.
Hello BJ. You are required to register your second vehicle in person. However, you could always grant power of attorney to another party who can complete the registration on your behalf. You also mentioned that the registration of your first vehicle expires this month, so you need to renew it on time. Did you know that eTags offers online registration renewals? Our platform works fast and it’s easy to use. Feel free to contact us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at for more information about our registration renewal service.
I have moved to another state however my daughter and son-in-law have been stationed in Florida. Can I let them have my Florida tags and have them transferred to their vehicle? I would really like to let them have them because I will not be using them and it will really help them out as far as money goes.
Hello Thresia. They can transfer your Florida tags into their name only if the ID and address information matches your home address in Florida.
How can I check the FL DMV to determine if I have turned in a tag to now use to avoid the impact fee?
Hello Charles. You need to contact your local Tax Collector’s office or visit to verify the status of your tags.
I got a used car from a dealer last month, and the temp tag is about to expire and I do have a plate ready to be used. I have not received my title through mail. The dealer is not responding to my messages, and I do not want to do a round trip of at least 6 hours to find him. What should I do?
Hello Steven. Has the car been paid off or financed? If the car was financed, the dealership won’t issue you the title until the car is paid off. Now, if you have already paid off your car, you can visit our portal to request a title replacement without having to drive to the DMV. Our online service is fast and easy to use. If you have any other question, feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at
I just sent in my normal renewal for registration but realized for the first time ever it said (in very small print at the bottom – almost didn’t even see it): “Mandatory Tag Replacement.” No further instruction. Does this mean it will automatically be sent to me? Does the tag# remain the same? And finally, what do I do with the old plates? Thank you, in advance!
Hello Caron. Once you get a mandatory tag replacement, you’ll get the new tags sent to the address you provided. Now, you could return your old license plates to the DMV or toss them. If you are tossing them, it is recommended to cut them up before disposing for your own security.
I have a disabled badge number plate which runs out in October but my tag doesn’t run out until December, can I still drive on same number plate.
Hello Irene. Your disabled badge number plate is not related nor impacts your tags. You will need to renew your disabled placard with the FL DHSMV before it expires. Here’s a link you may want to have a look to learn more about disabled placard renewals.
I bought a car from a Dodge dealership in October. They paid my registration fees but my registration expired the very next month because my birthday is in November and they didn’t tell me that. If I bought a new car shouldn’t my registration last at least longer than 45 days?
Hello Sabrina. Some small dealerships are not 100% reliable when it comes to vehicle registration after purchase. Perhaps they make a mistake when filling out the paperwork. Either way, you need to contact your local DMV office or Tax Collector for more information about your vehicle information. What if your vehicle hasn’t be registered yet? Here’s a link to verify whether your vehicle has been registered with the FL DMV.
Hi. We are moving to Miami, Florida at the end of July 2018. My vehicle’s tag in California expires on July 21. Should I renew in California and lose the cost of the licence? I was looking to save the renewal fee and just register the vehicle in Miami when it arrives there. Will we face any issues in Miami when trying to register the vehicle in Florida if it has an expired tag from California?
Hello Shaun. You could always try getting a power of attorney to get your car register in Florida on your behalf. But you better contact your local DMV for information about how to solve that problem and what makes more sense for you to do.
I went to renew my driver license which was in my maiden name , I never changed it to my married name in 36 years . This time I renewed in person so my new dr license had to match my passport info which is my married name . I got my new dr license and updated the info for my car insurance . My question is 1. Is the DMV linked to car registration ? Will it be updated in their system? 2. When I go to the auto tag agency with my new dr license and proof of insurance will my info be already updated in their system by the DMV ( My new dr license ) ? I didn’t receive the renewal notice as I do every year 6 weeks before Exp date . I wonder why I didn’t get the renewal notice in mail yet .
The DMV is linked to car registration but you need to make sure your personal information including address is updated. However, since you’ve already updated your driver’s license information, you’ll also need to update your name with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). Perhaps you didn’t receive a renewal because your details were not updated. Contact your local tax collector office for more information about your details. Did you that eTags offers an online registration renewal service to residents in Florida? Please call us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help you complete your renewal asap.
I have renewed online and I have not received the tags yet, is it safe to drive?
Hello Jackson! First, you need to make your tags are legally renewed in Florida. Note that police officers could still stop you for not having the sticker and that it’s up to the them to determine that.
I have a license plate. Need to renew my registration by end of next month. Was wondering if specialty plates takes as long as personalized plates or can I go to the tag agency and receive my choice with random characters.
Hello Jebediah. You could always visit your local Tax Collector agency and request either personalized or specialty plates by paying an additional fee that added to your total renewal fee.
Hi my question is. Can I renew my registration with an out of state Id. I have my Florida insurance card but the only Id I have is out of state. I want to use my registration as a prof of residency to renew my license
Hello Lisa. Here’s a link for you to check your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). If it’s clear you won’t have any problem renewing your registration.
Is the date on the sticker the renewal date or the expiration date?
Hello Michael. The date that shows on your sticker is the expiration date of your car registration. Check your sticker and your registration certificate to verify the exact day in which your registration expires.
How much is the penalty on a 2000 mustang of i didnt renew the registration last year but now i do??
Hello Jose. It also depends when exactly did your tag expired? If you haven’t renewed your registration yet, know that we could help you renew it without any inconvenience. Visit our portal for online tag renewals in Florida, which works fast and it’s easy to use. Should you have any other questions, please contact us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help you complete this procedure asap.
Good afternoon, I renewed my tag registration a couple of weeks before and I received a new tag ( with a different number) This is the second time it happen to me. I have been asking people and it seems I’m the only one it had happened. It’s not any issue for me, it’s just I have to pay another sticker to my community master association, even when I explained to them, it’s the same car.
Hello Ginna. Every 7 years or so the DMV changes your license plate number but it has nothing to do with you. Whether you want to request a different number you should contact your local DMV office to file your request.
Hello, I was in error I just realized regarding my tag renewal. I thought for some reason I had to renew it anytime during my birth month verses my actual birth date. I have since renewed online though 18 days late in the same month. Will I be assessed a late fee and how much would that be? Thank you
Hello Robert. If you don’t renew your tags by midnight on the last day, which should be specified on your registration card or renewal, you’ll be asked to pay for the late fees. Late fees vary based on the days you took to renew after the expiration date and the weight of your car. Did you know that eTags allows drivers in Florida to renew their tags online? Just visit our registration renewal service online and avoid having to make DMV appointments and other vehicle-related hassles.
But…..WHY Do they change your number?
Hello Jay. Not sure about your question, Jay. Did you mean plate number?
I am planning to purchase a new car, i would like to purchase an antique florida tag because
I dont like the looks of our tags what is the legal right way to do this with no problems?
Thank you!
Hello M. The historic or antique plates are to given to vehicles that meet the following requirements:
Made after 1948 and are at least 25 years old
With a body made from non-original materials or changed from its original design specifications.
However, you could always request special design tags in Florida including; Colleges and Universities, evnironmental and wildlife tags, sport and athletics, special interest, or even special groups like the US Navy.
I renewed my tags on line and they never arrived in the mail how do I get the dmv to mail again?
If you have already renewed your tags, then you should contact your local DMV to report that you haven’t received your tags yet. By the way, have you updated your address with the DMV? Sometimes drivers fail to report any change of address with the DMV, which creates disruptions when mailing new documents.
My tags expired and I just paid for the renewal online with the late fees. Can I still drive my car if I don’t have the new sticker yet?
Hello Teresa. If you already paid for the renewal either, early or late, you will need to get the stickers to give proof that you renewed your vehicle registration. However, if a police officer pulls you over, they could easily see that you renewed your registration on their system. You could drive it but you may have to explain your case if the police stops you.
I renewed my registration on a vehicle I have owned for years and have been up to date on registration for years. This year the DMV sent me a new license plate with a new number along with current registration, why did I receive a new tag and a new license plate and number?
Hello Josh. In Florida, the DMV usually issues different license plate numbers after a 7 year period. There isn’t any other real story behind that. However, you could always request a different number or personalized license plates with your local DMV.
I renewed my registration on a vehicle I have had for years. The DMV sent me a new license plate with a new number and current tags. Why did I receive a new plate and number?
Hello Josh. In Florida, the DMV usually issues different license plate numbers after a 7 year period. There isn’t any other real story behind that. However, you could always request a different number or personalized license plates with your local DMV.
I did my tag renewel online in 6-1-18. According to my informed delivery through the Usps I should have had it on the 8th of June. The post office told me it was out of their hands as most people either throw away mail that isn’t theirs or returns it to sender. I need those tags by the 22 it I’m screwed. What do I do?
Hello Beth. As you already requested your new tags from the DMV, you’ll need to contact them right away to re-schedule your tags or get additional instructions on what to do about it.
My leased car was totaled in Hurricane Irma (2017) and I didn’t replace it as I just drive my wife’s 2nd car since then and have insurance as a driver of that car, I still have the license tag from my leased car, is there any reason I need to go through renewal of that tag registration, it expires June 22?
Hello John. You have two choices in this situation; either you keep your tags and renew them or contact your DMV to report that you are no longer using your tag. Notice that keeping an expired tag even when you have no car to drive could result in future liabilities. Contact your local DMV to guide you through this particular case.
hi! I bought my car in Florida with my Colorado drivers license can I renew my registration with my Colorado id?
Hello Anthony. You won’t have any problem renewing your vehicle registration with your out-of-state ID as long as you have a valid Florida auto insurance. In fact, eTags offers a reliable platform to help you complete your vehicle registration renewal without any complications. Call us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help you complete this procedure on time.
Once you renew online how long does it usually take before it’s updated and how long before you receive the actual sticker in the mail?
Hello Art! Once you renew it online, it will be updated between 6 to 12 hours for a rush renewal process or 12 hours for standard renewal. You’ll be getting your sticker between 2 and 5 business days. Yet, if you are located out-of-state, shipping will take 7 business days.
I had Fla tag 15 yrs ago. Still know the number E476FX. Will that have any bearing on price of tag for vechile I’m purchasing
Hello Jackie! remembering your FL tag number, even if it’s a personalized one, won’t have any effect on price.
Can I renew my auto tag online if I have Mandatory Tag Replacement?
Hello Maria! Of you are allowed to do that. We offer an platform to process your request online. You could renew your tag by calling us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help you complete this procedure on time.
My mother is no longer driving her car. Can we turn in the tag and label it OFF ROAD until she sells the vehicle?
And would she need to bring the person she is selling the car to with her to the DMV for transfers?
Hello M Hagin. Your mother needs to contact her local DMV to ensure that she is eligible to surrender her tags while selling her vehicle. When it comes to title transfers the buyer needs to fill the pink slip and have the seller signed the section to complete the transfer. eTags offers title transfer/vehicle registration and renewals online, so feel free to refer the buyer to us to help the buyer complete this procedure without any complications. For more information on how to complete this procedure, call us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help you complete this process on time for your own benefit.
Hi all,
I submitted payment via check in mail to renew my FL tag prior to the expiration date, however, it’s been two months and I still have not received my renewed tag in the mail. I am now driving with an expired tag. How do I request this tag be sent to me immediately? Is there a link I can view or a number/ individual I can speak with to rectify?
Thanks in advance,
Hello Danielle! Did you receive any temporary registration while waiting for your new tag? Note that it’s illegal to drive with an expired tag. Normally, when the DMV processes your application for renewal, your vehicle registration record immediately shows that you renewed your vehicle registration. For more information on how to complete this procedure, call us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help you complete this process on time for your own benefit.
I received the renew registration notice, but i already sold that car and bought another one. i bought it from a dealership but im not sure if they transfer the plate properly. they just put the old plate on my new car and i didnt have any issues with registering it on the new insurance policy. I would like to know if i still need to renew the resgistration of the old car?
Thank you
Hello Derrick. You probably didn’t know but you could always transfer the registration of your vehicle to your new without having to register it all again. We advise you to contact us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at to answer any questions regarding your case.
If my license is suspended in another state can i still get it done fl? All the fees have already been paid.
Hi Kim. Assuming you have served your suspension period and met all reinstatement requirements within the state in which your license was originally suspended, you should be able to reinstate it within Florida. This also assumes you are relocating to Florida and now a resident.
Numerous variables are at play. To be 100% sure, your best bet would be to contact your local DMV directly to ensure all requirements are met within your current state as well as within the state of Florida.
Hello Kim! if you had your driver’s license revoked or suspended in one state it could also affect your eligibility to apply for a driver’s license in Florida owing to the Interstate Driver License Compact and the National Driver Register. It also depends on your driving records so contact your local driver’s license office for more information about your case.
Hi everyone ! I’m first time owner and I’m feeling confused about the total of 116$ that I have to pay. My car is light suv 2017 I got it on lease and exceed the expiry period with Less than a month but however that fact – Isn’t it to much to pay?
Hello Hiks! The base registration fee in Florida is determined by weight and the lowest fee is $5 (for a moped) and the highest is $1,300 (for a large semi) annually. When you exceeded the expiry period, do you mean registration period? Note that Florida has one of the lowest registration fees in the nation. For more information on how to complete this procedure, call us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are happy to answer your questions.
Hi everyone ! I’m first time owner and I’m feeling confused about the total of 116$ I have to pay. My car is light suv 2017 I got it on lease and exceed the expiry period with Less than month but however that fact – Is it too much?
Hello Hiks! The base registration fee in Florida is determined by weight and the lowest fee is $5 (for a moped) and the highest is $1,300 (for a large semi) annually. When you exceeded the expiry period, do you mean registration period? Note that Florida has one of the lowest registration fees in the nation. For more information on how to complete this procedure, call us at 1-800-633-5332 or send us an email at We are happy to answer your questions.
Can you get a ticket if your tag is expired and you’re not driving it.
Hi Charles. While it may be unlikely you would get a ticket without driving the vehicle, you would potentially be subject to late fees and other penalties should you eventually choose to renew the registration or sell the vehicle.
You can find more frequently asked questions about DMV tag renewal in the state of Florida through the official state website.
If I turn in my tag and registration and cancel my insurance until I get my taxes in a couple of weeks how much will it be to get my tag and registration again after I show proof of insurance how much will it be and what do I need to do exactly?
Hi Yvonne. This depends on a couple variables and would be difficult to determine without more information. This may depend on when your registration is set to expire and how long it will be expired from that date.
Also, if you are turning in your plates completely, you may have to pay the $225 vehicle registration fee plus any title fees, plate fees, and taxes if re-registering your vehicle.
If you are just letting your tags expire until you get your tax return, the state of Florida does not offer a grace period after midnight on the day your registration is set to expire.
In this case (assuming you would not be re-registering your vehicle), the only two ways you would be able to renew your FL car tags would be going in person to the FL DMV or online through our FL online car tag renewal service.
In either of these instances, you will be required to provide proof of insurance in order to be able to renew and pay any late fees you may have accrued while your tag was expired.
will my license get suspended if I haven’t renewed my tag that was due in January? I haven’t been driving the car and forgot to do it.
Hello Nicole! You shouldn’t get your license suspended unless there are other issues with your vehicle. To find out more about the status of your vehicle, contact our Customer Service Support staff at 1-888-633-5332 or send us an email at We are here to help.
Hi Robert. Call our dedicated Customer Service support staff and they will look into this for you. You can reach us at 1-888-633-5332 or by submitting an online ticket, should you prefer.
I just got my registration renewal notice in the mail and saw there is an option to pay for the next 2 years. Should I sell my car within this time period and transfer the plate to a new car, is the already paid renewal fee carried forward to the new car? Thanks.
Hello Reinhard. You are free to sell you car any time, even after renewal. If you already renewed your registration, you could sell you car, take the plates off and the fee paid rolls over to the new car.
What does it cost to register an out of State vehicle here and n Volusia County.
Hello Joyce. To register an out-of-state car in Florida you’ll need to pay $225 apart from other title fees, plate fees, and taxes.
How much does it cost to register a vehicle being brought in from Texas and registered in Texas, I am moving to Volusia County permanently.
Hello Joyce. To register an out-of-state car in Florida you’ll need to pay $225 apart from other title fees, plate fees, and taxes.
How long is the typical wait from dealer purchase to receiving metal plates?
Hello Tre. The answer depends on the state where you are located. In California, for example, you have 6 months from the date the car is registered with the DMV, after which you must have a license plate.
Hi, I bought a 2002 Nissan frontier. It is titled in Hillsborough county. I bought the vehicle for $500, the truck weighs 3749 bls I have a tag from a previous vehicle that’s expired. Can I transfer this tag to this vehicle while I transfer title and pay the taxes and what would be total costs
As your tag has already expired, you need to contact your local DMV and proceed the renewal, paying the late fees that applies to your case. It all depends on the length of your expiration and the type of vehicle you drive. Your local DMV will give you an accurate figure for the entire process.
I couldn’t renew my vehicle Tag for one year as I was not aware of that as a first time Car user. But then last year I applied for Tag renewal and it got approved but I was not notified about any fine I have to pay for late renewal. How can I confirm if I owe any fine to DMV? and how to pay that ? . Is ETAGS offer this service(I mean to pay penalties) ? . Thank you in advance.
Hi Silvia. If you are curious about fines you might owe your best bet is to contact the Florida DMV directly. If you choose to renew your Florida registration through us, we will also be able to let you know should you have any outstanding fines.
I love that you can renew online! It makes it easy to renew, especially when you have to do it last minute like I do! It’s important to keep track of, the longer you wait to renew the more expensive it will be
Hello Kristen. That’s a great point because it is fast and easier to renew it online than following the traditional way. Thank you!
I just have a question if i can’t renewal my tag before my birthday what is the grace period before it starts to affect my license .. I can renewal it four days after but i want to know if its going to affect my license ????
Hello Antonio. There’s no grace period once your tag expires. You normally has to renew it by midnight on your last day listed on your registration card. If you fail to renew it, you’ll have to pay a late fee in addition to your regular registration. Keep in mind that driving with an expired tag could affect your driving record.
Can I buy a vehicle and transfer my registration to it if my license is expired?
Hi Susue! You are allowed to purchase a car but to register your vehicle you need to have a car insurance policy. The problem is that you cannot get an insurance policy without a valid license, consequently, you cannot register your vehicle. It’s advisable to renew your driver’s license before registration.
I just applied for my registration renewal and instead just getting the regular paper with the sticker, I actually got a new plate altogether. Is this normal?
Hi Kendall! It is absolutely normal. By law, your FLHSMV renewal notice will indicate if you need new license plates when renewing your tags. So if you got a new license plate, then you are probably within that time range.
I am currently shopping around for insurance as I do not have insurance at this time and my tag expired 12/22/2017 – How long do I have to try and get insurance & renew my tag before they issue a suspension on my license?
Hi Alyssa! You can purchase a new auto insurance and renew your Florida vehicle registration online with us, even after it has expired. Should you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support team. They would be happy to help!
This year I got my renewal notice for $80.85 which I consider very expensive compared to what I’ve paid in previous years and for different cars (same size – year cars) I have had.
I have another vehicle (bigger = heavier) and the cost is only for $ 46.85.
Does it has something to do with my actual vehicle being a lease? Is that the reason why payment went up in about 30% compared to a ‘buy’ car? Thanks.
Hi Diana! Florida registration renewal fees vary depending on your vehicle type, vehicle weight, the length of your registration, county specific fees, and additional fees for leased vehicles. It may be your case that your renewal fee increased because your car was leased, but contact your local DMV to find out what really happened.
Does this process send me sticker for my vehicle or should I have gone through the tax collector?
Hey Sheila. If you’re referring to our vehicle registration renewal service then yes, you will be mailed your car tag sticker and also receive a digital copy of your registration immediately upon renewing.
My son car is registered in orlando, but he’s stuck in Tampa with his tags expired can he get a sticker on Hillsborough county?
Hey Latecie. If he is away from his home-county and unable to go into the DMV he can renew online through our website by clicking here.
Juat to solve an argument did there use to be a grace period in florida for renuing your tags. Ty
Hey Kelly, great question! eTags is actually the only online vehicle registration renewal option for renewing your car tags late in Florida. If you need to renew your vehicle tag, you can do so through our website by clicking here.
Why would a tag for an exact same year and model of a vehicle be significantly ($25) different in a different county?
Hey Andy. This could depend on multiple variables. What is the specific fee to which you are referring?
Can I renew my tags online even after they’ve expired?
Hey Cyndi, yes you can renew your Florida vehicle registration online with us after it has expired. Should you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support team. They would be happy to help!
My tags are up for Renewal but I bought a new car but the dealer said my tags Werent renewable and they charged me $500 for a new tag is this common
Hi Nancy. Yes, this is common. You must first register a new car (almost always a higher cost) after purchasing. The fees to renew your vehicle registration will be lower in subsequent years.
It is certainly much easier to renew your car registration online. I spent over 90 minutes last week waiting in the DMV just to register my car. Keep in mind that most states require you to show the title of the car, but if you can do everything online, it will greatly speed up the process.
Thanks Jeff. Speedy, convenient, online car tag renewal is our goal!